Saturday, October 22, 2016

Genesis 3:21, Covered by the Lord, Part 2: Physical Clothes

Covered by the Lord, Part 2: Physical Clothes

Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

Because this covers two very important areas of life; spiritual and physical clothing, I have broken this into two parts. Adam and Eve were both spiritually and physically naked. Nakedness brought shame and fear. So they made themselves clothes out of fig leaves.

When God came in the cool of the day to meet with the ones he loved and had created. He called for them, because they were hiding. Adam replied saying they hid for they were afraid because they were naked. Seems funny, odd because they had made clothes. apparently the clothes they had made did not thoroughly cover their nakedness. In their sinful state, they lacked the physical covering that would make them presentable before their maker.

When God purified them through the sacrifice of the animal, he took the skins of the animals and clothed them. Most pictorial representations of this shows more covered than in most fig leaf pictures. What Biblical insights do we have into proper clothing? Are we given any clues into how one should dress? Although it is not specific, we do have clues into what is proper.

1 Timothy 2:9 says, "I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes." "What is modesty?" you ask. Here is a scripture from the Old Testament that I never heard used before. Maybe, it can be considered as a clue into God's idea of modesty? Exodus 28:42 tells the priests to where undergarments covering the hips to the thighs. Also in Exodus, it mentions that a robe should not be able to be seen under so the priest's nakedness would not be seen. The verse in Exodus 20:26 states to not have the altar on a platform that uses steps, because God didn't want anyone to see under the robe and see the priest's nakedness.

Enough said A and K. We know God wants you to dress with modesty and decency. Do not expose yourself as the rest of the world does. Fashion is not to dictate the clothing of the follower of Christ. Keep your private parts covered with undergarments and the rest of your nakedness with outer clothes. Deuteronomy 22:5 says that men are not to wear women's clothing, nor are you to wear men's clothing. Cross dressing is wrong, that verse says God detest it.

I pray that this review of Genesis, 1 Timothy and others from God's Word helps you in choosing what to wear. As always, it is best to err on the conservative side, never trying to push the limits of God's grace. Today's church allows way to much to be exposed. It is best to be covered for the Lord than to expose your flesh before the world. If God doesn't tell you to expose it, keep it covered.


PS. I didn't have enough time here to discuss how immodest and indecent dress affects the senses and desires of men. Be wary of enticing them. This is very important in Christian circles. Many a follower of Christ has been tempted and sinned because there was no thought given to how they might be affected. Salvation doesn't keep one from being tempted by the flesh. Help men by dress appropriately.

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