Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Genesis 2:21 - 22, Delivered by God

Delivered by God

Genesis 2:22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Woman was not created independent of man. She was made for a purpose and given to the man for that purpose. Man was alone and needed someone to help him serve the Lord in the garden. Animals were brought to him to fulfill his yearning, but none were suitable. So, God created woman to fulfill his need. She was part of him, yet existed separate from him. She was perfect for him.

Daughters, even though this could be directed to your brothers, you can still learn from it. Too often, we allow our culture to determine how we live and make decisions. This is true with finding a wife. The dating scene has become, if not always been, an opportunity for sin to abound. Most teens fall in and out of love experimenting in sexual encounters. They leave behind part of themselves with each of those encounters.

The small part of society that stays chaste before marriage often gives little thought to who they want to marry before they get attached. The guy woos the girl giving her a false pretense of who he is and never learns who she really is until after marriage. After marriage the real person comes out and because there is no real commitment, the marriage fails. Then the man goes out again hunting for that 2nd perfect person following the same method. I am so happy God brought your mother to me and that I did not "try out" others before her.

Girls, one of you will soon be married and the other is keeping her eye open. Allow God to bring you to the his man for you. Pray to that end. A, desire God's man for you. Be confidant that he will lead you to him. K, continue verify that the one you have agreed to marry is God's man for you. May his love and commitment for God and for you be confirmed daily as that day approaches. All too often God is left out of our decisions. This choice is so important for a life of service to God. Allow Him to deliver you to the man He chooses


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