Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Genesis 4:2b - 6, God's Favor

God's Favor

Genesis 4:4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering

Cain worked the fields and Abel tended the flock. To this point in time, animals were bot permitted as food. I am not sure why he tended flock, but the scriptures note that he did. Possibly, it was for sacrifices. Cain would have raised food for the family. No doubt, he had help, but he was the main  field hand for his family.

In the course of time, they each brought a sacrifice to the Lord. Hebrew 11:4 tells us that Abel brought a better offering. Growing up we were always taught that this offering was better because it was an animal offering not a fruit and vegetable offering. The interpretation is mixed today, and most do not condemn Cain for his fruit offering. We do know that Abel brought his by faith, believing that God would accept it. He was commended as a righteous man and Cain was not.

A and K, what can be plainly seen in the text is that God commends those who do right and condemns those who do not. It also shows that doing wrong brings guilt and that makes you feel down. I pray that you will chose right and will feel the smile of the Lord upon your life. I also pray that when you do wrong and feel the displeasure of the Lord that you will recognize when your face downcast and turn to the Lord for forgiveness. Seek to know what is right, then do it. Then your spirit will be lifted and your face will shine with the joy of the Lord and his favor.


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