Saturday, October 15, 2016

Genesis 3:11, I Commanded You

I Commanded You

Genesis 3:11,  And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"

How It Could Be
How It Still Can Be in Your Heart

Why did God ask Adam? First, he wanted to know where he is, and now, he want to know what he has done. Of course, God knew all about Adam and Eve's shenanigans. He was not absent when Satan convinced Eve to disobey and do what she knew was wrong. He saw them when guilt and shame entered their hearts and they experienced sin for the first time. He was there as the tried to sew the fig leaves but failed to cover their guilt. God knew they had failed to do as he commanded.

A and K, make no mistake. God knows all about you. You can fool your father and mother. You can trick them into believing you are telling the truth. You can hide the wrongs you do, but God always knows. If you ever wonder why it is hard to do as he commands, and really I hope you never experience that, but when you do realize that Adam, even though perfect, failed when there was just one command, just one. It is the nature of man to be like God and go their own way. But, do never use this as an excuse, for just as Adam failed only one command, that one command brought death. How many commands do you fail to keep and think , well it's only two or three I don't keep?

Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." (Jn 14:15) If you follow Christ's commands, he says God will love you (vs 21). God's full love is not guaranteed. Christ says you must love him to be loved fully. (This is rarely taught today, but there are other scriptures that confirm Christ's word found here.) Ladies,  Love the Lord you God with all your heart and all your soul and all you mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30 & 31). Keep what he has commanded you and you will live. This is possible when you live in the power of the Spirit and not in your own strength. Remember, when Christ returns, you want to meet him in the air not be hiding in the bushes.


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