Sunday, October 16, 2016

Genesis 3:12 & 13, No Excuses

No Excuses

Genesis 3:12 The man said, " The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."

Here it comes, just like the boy and the proverbial cookie jar, Adam first hides then begins to make excuses why he had to disobey. Oddly, he choses to blame God for his choice to sin... If it wasn't for you putting this woman here with me, I wouldn't have sinned. It's your fault! Then he blamed the woman... If she just wouldn't have taken the fruit from the tree and given it to me, I never would have taken any. That woman, she's no good!

Then, God approaches Eve to hear her story. Remember, God, the all powerful, all seeing, all knowing God, knows the truth in the matter. He, like wise a parent, questions his children and allows them to consider their actions and gives an opportunity to "fess up" and admit their wrong doing. But like Adam, Eve makes excuses and blames someone else. That sly ole serpent he tricked me. He knew I knew my weak spot, and he conned me into taking some. He duped me. It's all his fault. Who created him anyway (she didn't say this last one)?

God knew their heart. He saw when the eyes of each glistened with desire. Their spirit was yearning to be like him, and he was saddened. Now as he was questioning them, they begin to make excuses, and they were lying to him.

K & A, never lie. God knows. Fess up, tell the truth, and admit your sin against the Lord. Meet him at the gate to the garden. Desire to renew the relationship instead of shifting blame on someone else. In Ezekiel, God said that if you are righteous and begin to live in sin, you will die (Ez 18:24). But if you confess your sin he is faithful and just to forgive your sin and purify you from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). Daughters, excuses are for the sinner. Confession is for those desiring to be righteous. When you do wrong, renew your heart before the Lord and make no excuses.


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