Sunday, October 23, 2016

Genesis 3:22 - 24, Banished for Life

Banished for Life

Genesis 3:24 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

Man had sinned. Adam listened to his wife and took the fruit from the forbidden tree and sin passed unto all man. He became like God, knowing good and evil, so God forbade him to take fruit from the tree of life. God would no longer allow him to reach out his hand and partake of it. He was banished forever from the tree and from the Garden of Eden. From this point forward Adam and his helper Eve would work for the food they would consume. Tirelessly, they would strive to exist and physically their bodies would wear out and die and decay back into earth from whence they came.

We are children of Adam. Our DNA can be traced to his. We are born and live, then we die and decay. Some people think that this is all there is, but it is not true. We are spiritual beings as well. Adam was banished not only physically but spiritually. If we are not clothed with the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus and his work on the cross, our souls will be banished from eternal life.

A and K, there was a paradise on earth spoiled by the sinful choice of man, yet you can have that opportunity to live in the paradise Jesus is preparing for all those who love him. They are the ones who are changed by the forgiveness of sin and who follow his commands. You have been changed. Will you love him and follow his commands, and be freed to eat from the tree of life which will be located in the paradise to come? I want to see you there. The banishment will be taken away and you will live forever.


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