Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Genesis 3:16, Birthing Pain

Birthing Pain

Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

God continues to deal out curses to those involved in the first sin of creation. First to Satan and now to the woman. There are two areas of the curse given her; child birth and marriage. I cannot say I understand the second, but let's see if God give me light.

Anyone who has given birth knows that it hurts. Anyone who has held the hand of his wife while giving birth understands it as well. We have all heard the stories of the screams and yelling and
groans that occur, but to experience it is different. Some mothers are able to take it better than others and that is a blessing. One parent hurts much greater than the other during delivery, but both suffer for the sin of Eve. Consequences always follow sin, hurting more than just the one who sinned.

Applying this to life in general, we have heard it said many times, "No pain, No gain." The wisest man in the world said it this way, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." (Pr 14:23) Booker T Washington stated that, "Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work." If you find yourself in pain and hardship, know that it is a result which ultimately goes back to the sin committed in the garden. Does that mean we avoid pain? Well, we do try to lessen it. But the good, like children, come from experiencing pain. Because of sin, this is to be expected.

Now to the aspect of marriage... should we not expect sin to affect relationships? We all know it does. Right now at work, a co-worker is experiencing troubles in his marriage. The problem is not that his wife desires him, it is that she is trying to erase the standard that God has established, she is trying no to desire him. Because of sin, Man now rules over women, and she naturally desires him. Because this man's wife desires to void God's "new" way for life in a marriage, it brings pain and heartache. May there be no doubt that God altered life for man and his wife because of Eve's sin. I have heard that in Christian marriages the man must not rule over his wife, they must be equal. Those who say this should consider this question - Do birthing pains cease because you are a Christian?

A & K, Life has been altered because of Eve's sin. If or when you have children, it will hurt! But the blessings of life God did not cease. The joy the baby fills you with afterward is still worth the increased pain. Think also of your future marriage, for one of you it is closer than the other..., You will desire him, and he will rule you. If you try and void God's way, know that the curse of Eve's sin will create turmoil. We must work within the parameters of God's law. If you were men, it would be necessary for me to exhort you on how to "rule over" your wife. For you though, marry someone that desires to follow the Lord and his Word so you are treated as you ought to be. Rulers should be kind and loving, just as Christ is (Eph 5:25)


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