Friday, October 21, 2016

Genesis 3:21, Covered by the Lord, Part 1: Spiritual Clothes

Covered by the Lord, Part 1: Spiritual Clothes

Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

I am splitting this verse into two posts, because it covers two very important areas of life; spiritual and physical clothing. Adam and Eve were not only physically naked, they were spiritually naked.

This verse is described by most biblical scholars as the first sacrifice for sins. I said in an earlier post that Adam and Eve felt naked and afraid and covered themselves with fig leaves. This was inadequate and here we see that God, not satisfied with their attempt proceeds to cover them properly. Hebrews 9:22 states that, without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins. God shed the blood of an animal to make it possible for Adam and Eve's sin to be forgiven. God set up the standard for us to follow. The Scriptures make it clear that an animal sacrifice was only temporary until the Savior, Jesus, would sacrifice himself for us, once for all.

We are born sinners for when Adam sinned, sin entered the world and is passed down to who are born (Ro 5:12). We can try to cover our sin, most people do, but we remain spiritually naked until the blood of Christ covers us. Then our sin will be removed along with our guilt, fear, and shame!

Girls, God has provided a way of salvation through the blood of his son Jesus Christ. With faith, believing this is so and through obedience to his way. We shall be freed from all guilt. I know both of you have accepted Christ as your savior. That makes be quite pleased. I pray that there may never be a time in your life when you sin, but if there is and you are convicted by the Lord and feel the guilt and shame of sin, do not look at what you once said and smugly think it doesn't matter. Don't cover it or pretend it isn't so. Come to the Lord and he will clothe you once again that you may stand pure before him.

May you be like Christ bride spoken of in Revelation 19:8, clothed in fine linen - the righteous acts of the saints. Have faith in what Christ has done for you, accept it, then live pleasing lives for him, preparing to be his beautiful bride.


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