Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Genesis 2:23 - 25, No Shame

No Shame

Genesis 2:25 The man and his wife were naked, and they felt no shame.

We have each seen pictures of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden in setting where the foliage is strategically placed in order to conceal the private areas of their bodies. This is good since nakedness is shameful. You might say, "That is crazy." Because of sin, shame and evil thoughts exist. Today's society wants to project nakedness as good and healthy. There is a GoTopless day where people march to promote a woman's right to go around shirtless like men. Nude beaches are becoming popular destination spots. Movies and TV programs are full of sex scenes and strategic nudity. Even clothing shows more and more skin and puts the underclothes on the outside. They want us to feel no shame, and the sad thing is, the more we accustom ourselves to sin, the less our conscience is piqued. But God does not change! Remember, God clothed Adam and Eve after they had sinned.

So where can we find the joy of the physical body?
Wasn't all of creation good, very good when he made man? The body is to be enjoyed within the confines if marriage. Verse 24 states that man will "unite [with] his wife, and they shall become one flesh. They are to enjoy each other both visually and physically.

K and A, know that God has someone for you to be united to. Keep your body for him. Pornography is becoming more common among women and expected for men. Many TV programs and movies are soft porn working to entice the believer and push unmarried couples into accepting sin as normal. It tears at the lifeblood of marriages and destroys godly oneness. For nakedness to be holy, keep it within the confines of marriage. Make sure the man God has for you does the same, or you will experience many heartaches, and possible unfaithfulness and divorce. Wait to be united in heart and mind and body, and keep it that way after you are married, then you will feel no shame.


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