Thursday, October 20, 2016

Gensis 3:20, Mother of All

Mother of All

Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

Eve was taken out of Adam, created from him... bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. She was to be his helpmate, a suitable helper in life because no animal could fulfill his needs. He was quite pleased with her and they became one flesh. But, when she was tempted, she became an influence for evil and took him down a wrong path. She helped him sin. Now here they are naked and afraid, sinful and cursed.

I am not sure why this verse is placed here. It seem to be in the middle of a transition, from the garden to the outside world. We know things have changed, altered, never to be the same. But life must go on. Just as Adam named all the animals, he named his wife, first Woman and now Eve. Life was going to continue without the ease of the garden, and Eve would become the mother of all mankind.

Daughters, It is interesting the influence that a woman has over man. It can be for his benefit or his detriment. Either way, she does have a great influence. Even in the most repressive societies, a woman learns to have her way. God has given the man a great responsibility as the head of the home and the spiritual head as well, but that does not mean that you do not have your own great responsibility. The man succeeds or fails because of his wife.

That is a strong statement, I know, and it is not 100%, but you need to understand what a help you are to him. When your future husband fails at something he tries... will you help bury him saying, I told you that was a dumb idea. why didn't you listen to me? or will you lift him up and encourage him and give him hope. Rejoice when he rejoices, Weep when he weeps. (Ro 12:15) You are part of him.

Another responsibility you have is for the family. You must carry on the same task for them. You are to nurture and lift them. You are their helper... You may have heard someone say to or about their husband, I'm not your mother. Those women do not understand motherhood. You are not to pick up after your children. you are to train them to become adults.

Girls, become the mother of all, both for your children and for your husband. You are a great influence. Carry out the task for which you were created. This will bring great peace and satisfaction.


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