Monday, October 17, 2016

Genesis 3:14 & 15, Cursed are You

Cursed are You

Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heal.
God begins his to carry out his penalties for disobedience. There is no law, if there is no curse. If nothing were to happen after Adam and Eve had sinned, no consequence for wrong doing, the law God gave would be pointless.

The serpent was the first to receive the measured wrath of God. Measured, because there is a final punishment that will come at the end of time. Cursed to crawl on it belly, the serpent was demoted to the lowest rank of animals. But, more important to us, the curse declared that contention between the serpent and mankind would continue throughout the generations to come. I believe this to be both physically and spiritually. There is a natural tension between snakes and people which seems to never go away. I know I have it. Just Kill It is my motto... But more importantly there is a tension set spiritually where Satan continues to strike at us and desires to paralyze or even kill our relationship with Christ. Romans 16:20 states that God will crush Satan under our foot through the power of Jesus. So, in faith, Satan has been defeated, but the struggle still continues until the last day.

Ladies, the curse of the original sin continues. Satan is real. But, you can live above the curse in Jesus. It is not that he will cease to strike, but you can be successful in crushing his head when you live in the power of the Spirit. Christ has already won the war, but you must win each battle. Live above the sin. Satan's power is limited> Keep in mind that his curse will increase, and one day he and all who follow him will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur. The enmity will cease forever!


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