Friday, October 14, 2016

Genesis 3:10, So I Hid

So I Hid

Genesis 3:10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

Yesterday, I said we would discuss forgiveness and cleansing from sin but that is for another day. I want to parse this a little closer.

What makes a person hide? Unless they are playing a game... it is fear. How did Adam know God would be upset? Why was he afraid? He was never afraid before. He never knew fear or hatred. Sin brought about separation and shame. It caused fear and hatred, a natural response when evil abounds. When Adam and Eve failed to obey,they felt dirty, unclean, and naked. So, when God showed up, they could not face him. Their nakedness would be seen, and he would know what they had done. Adam and Eve feared what he would do, so they hid among the trees.

Fear drives one to hide, possibly to cower in a corner to keep from being seen. Evil causes this. If someone breaks into your home, it is natural to hide. Evil which we commit will cause fear as well, and we will hide. Take the proverbial child, he (only sons do this, never daughters) takes the cookie out of the cookie jar. When caught... he hides the cookie behind his back. With cookie crumbs all over his face, he denies it. When he knows he is caught he fears the punishment he that is coming.

K and A, are there things in your life you are hiding? Do you fear someone may find out? Moses told the people of Rueben and Gad that if they failed to obey, "Be sure your sin will find you out." I have found this out to be true. Sin causes fear, fear causes us to hide, and we feel vulnerable and try to cover it up by lying. You see, one sin usually causes another, and the snowball starts rolling. Although painful at the time, confession brings the peace you lack when fear sets in. Be reconciled to (make things right before) God and those you have sinned against. Do not allow yourself to become numb to the sting of sin, for God will allow you to go your own way if you choose. It is best not to sin and never feel the sting. Then, you will never need to hide.


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