Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Genesis 3:17 - 19, Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust

Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you will return.

God now brings Adam to judgement. In a major shift, we see God curse creation for the sin of Adam. With the serpent, he made him to forever crawl on his belly and brought everlasting turmoil between him and all mankind going forward. With Eve, he increased birthing pains and stiffened the marriage relationship. but with Adam, because he listen to his wife and not to God, the earth was going to suffer for it, thistles and thorns were going to grow from it.

Creation suffers because of the sin of Adam. Environmentalists are pushing hard today to protect the earth from man. They say we are abusing the planet, and it will soon be destroyed. Scripture states how the world will be destroyed, and it isn't global warming. But, that said, pollution and destructive practices do hurt the earth and works to destroy parts of it. The sins of man still curse the earth.

God's curse of the ground brought toil and pain. No longer were Adam and Eve to pluck the fruit from the trees of the garden which God had planted. Now Adam was going to work the ground, plant the crops and continue work by the sweat of his brow to harvest the crop, so they could survive.

Then there would come a day when Adam would physically die. God promised, for you will surely die. And he did. First and immediately it was spiritually and now God promised it would be physically as well. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes... Adam body would one day dissolve back into the earth.

K and A, When you were born you were spiritually dead. Some day you will physically die. In between that time, is your existence on earth. Grandpa was often heard saying... "I'm going to live till I die." This deep thought must be contemplated to gather its full meaning. How will you live you life? For certain, you will work by the sweat of your brow. Even if you do not farm for your food, the work you do will be hard and tiring, even when it is mental work. When the preacher stands beside your casket before your body is lowered into the ground, when he state the phrase, "dust to dust..." will your life have mattered. "Only one life twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." I don't hear this saying much anymore, but it is very Biblical. God will one day test our deeds with fire. and the junk will be burned up all the worthy stuff will be refined. Determine now to live for the Lord all your life. Singing or nursing will not pass that test of God's fire unless it is done for him. We are to affect the lives of those we meet for eternity, not just their present physical or emotional needs. Choose to make a difference in others lives for the sake of the Gospel now, for life is short and to dust you shall return.


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