Monday, October 24, 2016

Genesis 4:1 & 2a Glory to God

Glory to God

Genesis 4:1 & 2a Adam lay with his wife Eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. she said, "with the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man."

After Adam and Eve were banished from the garden never to return, they began to work the ground and started a family. After Eve gave birth, she was thankful and gave God the glory for helping them
create a son, and the second generation began. She later conceived again and gave birth to Abel and other children, both male and female. God saw to it that life would continue, since sin would take the life of Adam and Eve and all that were born to them.

Why would Eve give glory to God and what does giving glory mean? In simple terms, glory is giving credit to someone for what has been done. We are very accustomed today to take this credit ourselves. "He ran a good race," "Look how beautiful she is," "My you are smart.".. are all phrases which we have heard. But there was a time when Christians gave the credit to God. But in our egocentric society of today, we think that is foolish. "Didn't God bless her with a pleasant smile?" "God sure has given him quick feet." This sounds strange to us. We rarely, if ever, hear someone speak that way. In our pride, we take the credit or give the credit to others and leave God out of it.

Ladies, God has blessed each of you in similar but different ways. You can sing, play the piano, memorize well. Me, I can sing fairly well, so you are better than I... in those areas. God has blessed us each with abilities. Let your greatest ability be your availability!

Allow God to use you. You become a blessing when God helps you succeed. Allow him to stir your soul to use what he has given you in service to him. I am grateful for the way you do serve him. God made Adam and Eve, but he used them to create Cain. God will use you too if you yield your talents to him. And when you do, I'll give glory to God for such wonderful daughters!


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