Monday, October 10, 2016

Genesis 3:4 & 5, Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

Genesis 3:5 For God know that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

"God will not withhold anything good from you." That is a popular saying to tell people life will always be wonderful, because God is for them; just believe. I have also heard, "If it is good, God would want me to have it." People say this because they covet something and will use God's name to get it. Satan first questioned Eve's understanding of what God expects. Now, he begins a lie purporting God would certainly want the best for her.

Not everything that is good, is good for us, or good for us at this particular time. Ecclesiastes say that there is a time for everything... now may not be the time. I would not have wanted to go through surgery without drugs, but we all know that used at the wrong time or mixed with another, drugs kill!

A and K, God has set limits. Intimate, personal acts of eros are meant for marriage. That kind of love is good, but God puts confines on it use. When done at the wrong time, it brings heartache and emptiness for years to come, but done within God's parameters, it brings joy and fulfillment, completeness. There are many area of life this is true, some minor (sweets, too many make you fat) others major (driving fast, 80 mph through Virginia may be okay, but through Ickesburg, it can be deadly).

Ladies, follow the scriptures. Fornication doesn't just leave you empty, it is a sin worthy of death! In areas where it is unclear which way is right... James says to ask for wisdom. That is something the Spirit can give, or he can confirm the wisdom godly people give to you. It first takes a desire to please God. Do you care what God thinks? Do you believe sinning sends you to the Lake of Fire for the Christian as well as the unbeliever? This I am learning: Do not go ahead with a major decision saying God didn't say it was wrong to do... wait until you hear him say it is right to do it. I can see areas in my life where I wish I would have had that wisdom to rely on. Don't be fooled by Satan into believing that it is good, so you should have it... Wait for God to open your eyes to the good he has for you.


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