Saturday, October 8, 2016

Genesis 3:2 & 3, But God Did Say

But God Did Say

Genesis 3:3  "But God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will surely die.'"

Eve knew what God had said. The Devil questioned her understanding, and she knew what she was to do and what she was not to do. Not only was she not to eat the fruit, was not to even touch it!

K and A, you know the limits God has set. He says, "No Lying (Lev 19:11), No Sex Outside of Marriage (Gal 5:19 KJV), Respect Boundaries (Prov 22:28), Do Not Carelessly Use God's Name (Duet 5:11), and many more. But, what we also see here in this verse is a very practical pattern set up by God in dealing with sin. If we play around the edges of sin, we get caught. Don't just not eat it, don't even touch it! In the NT, Jesus says its murder to even hate your brother. He also say it is adultery if you lust after the person, to desire sex with them.

Ladies, what are you doing in you thought life and in your relationships, present or future? There is a saying "If you play with fire, you get burnt." I found that to be true, I've played in the fire, ouch! Many people give Satan little to do, because they tempt themselves by cozying up to sin. Daughters, you know what God says in many areas... Stay far from sin. You'll never have regrets.


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