Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Genesis 3:6b, She Gave Some

She Gave Some

Genesis 3:6b She also gave some to her husband , who was with her, and he ate it.

Since I write these posts for you, my daughters, one must remember that what I write is not written for men or for the general public. They are written to help ground you in the faith and to strengthen your reliance on God. They are written so you might desire to take the "road less travelled" (that is the title of a book - which of course, I never read :), a higher road than most Christians are willing to take. That said, my review of today's scripture is one sided against and for Eve.

After Eve was deceived and desired to eat from the forbidden tree and to be like God, she convinced her husband to eat it as well. Note from yesterday's scripture that she didn't just take a piece of fruit from the tree, she took some. It wasn't, let me try this and see what happens. No, she took extra (and I am surmising here) took extra for Adam. She gave it to him to join her in the deception. She wanted him to experience the fruit with her, to gain the wisdom of being like God. She was experiencing feelings that were never known to mankind; the tug of temptation, the trill of a dare, the hesitancy and nervousness felt when you are about to do something you know is wrong. Apparently after nothing happened, she went to Adam. She took him some and had Adam join her in her act of disobedience. She took the one she loved and brought him down. See Adam, nothing happened. It's soooo good. Try some. Doesn't it look pleasing to the eye. I feel great. Try some. He listened to his wife and ate of the fruit.

A and K, neither of you are married. You need to be careful in your relationships with men and later with your husband. You have a great deal of sway into his decisions. Purity before marriage relies heavily on you. A guy will push you and you must say NO. Even during marriage this is true. You are created to be his helper. Never underestimate the influence you possess. He will succeed in proportion to your willingness to help him. He will fail in the same way. This is true on daily issues, but so true and more importantly true on spiritual ones. His growth as a spiritual leader in the home and with your children is determined on how you carry out you role as wife and mother. Learn when to say NO. but learn to love and encourage him in his role. Don't take him down. When you give him something, give him something good!


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