Sunday, January 31, 2016

Psalm 139:24

January 31, 2016

Psalm 139:24... See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting...

O for this to be our prayer! It will bring to our lives such peace and wholeness. Desiring Christ as our all will develop in us a pure and contrite heart. We will be ever steadfast to him and his ways, walking pure before him. Psalm 139 is a favorite of many Christians. It talks about how God knows us inside and out, from before birth and to the end of time... "for you created my inmost being" (vs. 13). The beginning and the end of this psalm refer to us and our desire to have him clean up our lives, so we are walking in "the way everlasting." It is important that we understand how amazing and all-knowing God is. But, it is way more important, though, that this leads us to care about living a life pleasing to him. It should scare us that when we sin and don't care, that he knows it! "The soul that sins is the one that dies," and "they will be thrown outside where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." There is a horrible end to those that sin against him.

O daughters, what you do matters! You cannot sin and push your offense to the wayside and think God is a forgiving God, it makes no difference what I have, he still loves me. A and K, desire for God to know you and to find any offensive ways in your life, so you may walk in the way everlasting.

Today's contemporary Christian music deals mostly with one area: God is awesome and forgiving God who loves us despite our sin. What is missing is the desire for us to forsake the world and walk in his way. I pray for you, ladies, that God will search your souls and bring to you any offensive way in which you have lived and that you will forsake that worldly way and walk in the way that lasts forever.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Psalm 138:6

January 30, 2016

Psalm 138:6... Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar...

Listed are the two opposites: proud and lowly. Also listed is how God approaches us act that way.What is it like to be proud? How is it different to be lowly? We must understand this if we are to keep from being proud.

Not that I did a lot of research on the subject, but let me list a couple differences.

A person who is proud will lift themselves above others when accepting praise for accomplishments. A lowly person will elevate those with whom they work and give the true honor to the Lord, 

Suppose a person has a child who does well, if they are proud they will want to tell everyone how great their child is. No one is wonders whose they are. It is easy to tell. If a lowly person's child succeeds they are grateful to God for their accomplishments. Others wonder whose child they belong to.

God is happy with the lowly in spirit. Even though he is far superior, he looks upon them with joy and works on their behalf. But the proud, he opposes them. He places obstacles in their path, so they stumble and fall, wanting them to recognize their condition and turn from their evil way.

A & K, I pray that you are not proud. As you know, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Be grateful to God for what you have and who you are. He will sustain you and in the end he will raise you to be on high with him in paradise.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Psalm 137:6

January 29, 2016

Psalm 137:6... May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy...

Judah had been destroyed. Israel was no more. God had let captors overrun the land, for the leaders and the people had forgotten his ways. The laws of the Lord had been polluted and sin was rampant in the lives of God's people. Yet God had saved a remnant. A few were taken captive and hauled off to a distant land. No more was there a holy city where God resided. His presence was taken away. Where will the people find hope now?

When we are in a seemingly hopeless situation, where do we turn? When we have failed to honor God, where do we turn? We must turn back! We must look again to the one who is our "hope and stay". We may ask why should Jerusalem be our highest. We must remember what Jerusalem meant... it was the city where God dwelt, the home of God, the place we meet with God. We will not recover if we do not look back to seek God and desire to be where is resides. Our mouths will be parched and death will soon come. We must seek him as our highest joy.

Daughters, there may be a time in your life when God seems a long way off. You may not sense him in your heart. I pray that never happens, but if it does... turn back to him. Make him your highest joy once again. Leave those things that entangle your life and once again walk with Christ. He will return the joy you once had and bring peace into your heart, and he will make all things new.


Psalm 136:1

January 28, 2016, written 01-29-16

Psalm 136:1... Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever...

This psalm is quite repetitive. What is repeats is the phrase, his love endures forever. The psalm basically reviews the greatness of God's mighty works from creation through the conquering of Canaan by the people of Israel.

We cannot fail to understand this psalm. Its repetitive nature gets the point across. God is a great God! He loves and provides for his people. Thank him for all his mighty acts he performs for us.

K and A. You serve a mighty God. He loves you and provides for you. He is able to care for you and deliver you from all that comes against you. You are not in a battle for land and country, but the battles you face are no less important. Satan wants to attack you to tear you from the the way of the Lord. He uses many tactics to do so. He will use those we love. He will use the ways of the world and even the ways of the church. He also will use circumstances and trials. Daughters, stand strong! God is fighting for you. Determine to live out the Word of God and put to the side all things that hinder your walk with him, and the sin that so easily entangles (He.12:1). God wants to help you succeed in life;  in your walk with him. Trust him. Thank him, for he is good. His love endures forever!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Psalm 135:13

January 27, 2016

Psalm 135:13... Your name, O Lord, endures forever, your renown, O Lord, through all generations...

The name of the Lord is to be praised. This is actually the end of the song with the lyrics that began the song from yesterday.... "From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is to be praised." But, why do we praise him? This psalm helps us to answer this in a few ways, and verse 13 helps us see why in a specific way; the name of the Lord endures forever! We can count on him to be there. He is not a passing breeze. He is not like the flower of the field that is here today and gone tomorrow. God can be relied on throughout our entire life and throughout each generation. God will be there for us.

A and K, the God of heaven is not just there for me, he is there for you. In the past you have relied on me and your mother. Your parents gave you nourishment and bathed and clothed you. You sought our help and desired our compassion. As you grow up, we diminish in your lives. One day we will be no longer. If you let him, God will bring someone else into your life to love support you. But, they too one day will be gone. When all is gone, where do you find someone to lean on? Where do you go for love and support? Jesus! He will always be there. In low times when you wonder if anyone loves you, (Remember I love you, even when I get upset with you, otherwise I wouldn't even care) in times when you are by yourself, in times when you are alone in a crowd, God is there for you. He endures through all things and all time. He will love and support. Praise him for it. You can count on him!


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Psalm 134:2

January 26, 2016

Psalm 134:2... Lift up your hand in the sanctuary and praise the Lord...

The Lord is to be praised, "from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same." Here it says we are to praise him in the sanctuary. For us, that means in church. Of course, that also so means with others. There are many ways to praise him, through music and song, through prayer, and individual testimony of praise. We are exhorted here to praise him with raised hands. It is important to praise the Lord!

A and K, how do you praise the Lord? I am not much of a hand raiser. My generation scoffed at the older generation for doing such a silly thing as to raise you hand in praise to God. So, I determined to never raise my hand unless the Spirit moved me to do so not because everyone else did. I am sure that has hampered my expression of praise. The funny thing is, the same people who laughed at the older generation for doing so, take it to an extreme level today. Not only do they raise their hands, but now they sway back and forth and dance a jig to go with it. Now I am even less comfortable and even more determined not to follow until the Spirit moves me.

K, you have expressed to me your dismay with those at college who sway and wave their hands in praise to God in Convo and then later participate in ungodly habits like dancing, secular music, and R rated movie watching or other distasteful TV programs. You expressed how you thought this was so wrong and contradictory, hypocritical.

Daughters, this is an issue of the new church. I thought some the people of the past generations faked their "holiness" by waving their hand and crying testimonies. I always assumed though that they lived godly lives. But, I am dismayed with the lives of the contemporary church goer. If you see them worship, they are so "holy" but if you evaluate their lives, aspects of it are so wicked! Many of today's christians do not care how they act or what they do. They have been told, God loves them the same no matter how they act.

What will you be like, is the question? Will you act one way before friends and co-workers and different in the church. Will you be holy during worship only to live on filth when you are not. Remember, your lives are a witness to who you are. When you raise your hands in praise, it should mean that you want to be counted as one of his holy followers, not as someone who can really "get down" Instead, I pray that your holy life may be raised up to honor him.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Psalm 133:1

January 25, 2016

Psalm 133:1... How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!,,,

Unity is crucial for peace. This is so important for all areas of life, whether it is as husband and wife, mother and father (no they are not the same), brother and sister or between co-workers. When there is disunity problems arise and anger seems to develop as misunderstandings increase. Both parties must work toward the same goal. Although we are not all the same, unity does not come from diversity. It comes despite diversity if we have common goal or outlooks.

K and A, if you are to get along with your future spouse, you must be like one another. Not exactly of course but in heart and mind and, when married, in body. If not it wont be a "good and pleasant" marriage. When your mother and I got married, the main thing said was that spouses need to different. "If you two were alike you wouldn't need one of you." I thought that was so idiotic. Your mother and I have had so few arguments, because we are so much alike. This is not true in every area and some of those areas have caused issues. What I am saying is this: make sure in the areas of life that matter, you and your future husband agree on, Your faith - similar backgrounds and belief - Armenian, this has been huge in our lives!, Your likes - sports, outdoor person, music, Your everyday things - cold weather, fancy house, hobbies, Your volume - quite versus loud and boisterous. And others... When you have the same outlook on things in areas that matter, then the unity formed will keep you together when the tough time come.

Oh, and remember one thing Mother and I try to always do... "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." Make sure to "make up" with your husband before you retire for the night. If not, a wall of separation will begin to be built and you will lose any "onesness" you are to maintain. If you cannot do this before you are married, it is rare to accomplish it after you are married. Choose wisely my daughters. Please come to me anytime you want. I'll be happy to share with you.


Psalm 132:4

January 24, 2016, written 01-25-16

Psalm 132:4... I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eye lids...

Why would anyone work to stay awake? Why would they keep themselves from doing what comes instinctively? Why fight against what nature? The most common answer is, you wouldn't. We can all think of reasons that we would do it a time or two, like we would fight to stay awake at times while driving. But, should we always need to fight against it? Maybe we should get plenty of rest before we drive or have ways to keep from being mesmerized by the drive.

David was intent in making a place for the Lord to reside. He prepared Jerusalem at the City of God, and made plan for the temple where God would live. He would have built the temple, but God would not allow it because he fought and shed blood in battle. He was a warrior.

How can we learn from this? We must do all we can to build a place in our hearts for God to reside. We must fight against all that comes naturally and prepare the way for the Lord. In fact that is what John the Baptist said for us to do. Paul talks about carnal Christians. I spoke of carnality in a previous post. Carnal refers to meat or flesh. These are things that come to us naturally. We must fight against what comes naturally, so we can make our hearts into the temple of God.

A and K, what things do you fight against so your heart can be built as a temple for the Lord. What normal, instinctive, or natural habits or ways do you fight against so you can be God's child. I heard a lady years ago in our church say she left because she liked to dance... the music just makes me move." She can't help it. You've seen it among people you know... people can't stop eating, drinking, doing drugs, swearing, getting mad when someone offends them... There are so many examples. Some I or you may be guilty of. Daughters, allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids until you rid yourself of the things that keep the Holy Spirit from taking up residence in you! For, when he comes in to live with you, what a special home you will have.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Psalm 131:1

January 23, 2016

Psalm 131:1... My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty...

Proverbs 16:18... I use this verse again. It is a favorite of mine. Solomon must have learned it from his father for this verse is like the today's psalm. The Lord doesn't approve of pride in the heart, because it steals glory from him. One of the greatest examples of pride is seen in the story of Nebuchadnezzar. He was a great king. We should remember the story of the large gold image of himself to which all were to bow. But God didn't respond immediately with that act of pride but when he said, look what I have made with all my mighty power and to my glory, God stuck him and made him eat grass like an animal until he gave the glory to the Lord.

A and K, I have fun with this verse because so many people say, I'm so proud of you, or you make me so proud. You may have heard it said the middle letter of pride is the same as the word sin. Consider your speech, but consider more your intent. You don't have to use the word proud to be so. We are called to be humble and grateful. When you accomplish something, say - I am so grateful God has done this in my life, or wow, you are such a blessing. Come up with something you can say to compliment the ones you love. Be truly thankful to God you provides all things good, then you will not be proud or haughty. Rather you will be filled with the joy of seeing and knowing the God who made it all possible.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Psalm 130:3

January 22, 2016

Psalm 130:3... If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand...

God is a God of mercy and forgiveness. When we call out to him for our salvation, he hears and has compassion on us and forgives us. He is "slow to anger and abounding in love," attentive to our need. But, one of the best aspects of God's love is his willingness to forgive and forget what we have done. He doesn't keep a record of wrongs, but treats us as if they never happened.

One caution here, there is a parable told by Jesus where a ruler reapplies a debt owed by a servant, because he could not forgive his fellow servant. From this, we can learn that, although God does not hold our forgiven sins against us, he expects us to do the same to others, or he will place our guilt back on us. He is willing to forgive, but only according to our willingness to forgive others.

Daughters, read more of this psalm. It stresses God's love for you and his ability to forgive and forget what you have done. He will not use your sins against you, but will lift you and mercy on you. He will redeem you of your sins and give you full redemption. He will not use your sins against you, but will use them to benefit you. A and K, you can live a life apart from sin. Trust him to help you stand.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Psalm 129:2

January 21, 2016

Psalm 129:2... they have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me...

We are attacked as Christians. We must expect that to happen. Satan fights against us and will attack every chance he gets. We cannot be surprised when it happens. But we will never be defeated! God will sustain us. He is there for those who love him and are obedient to his word. You can trust him. This verse shows how Israel, as God's people, were constantly oppressed, but when they served the Lord God gave them victory.

A and K, know that God will be with you. If you look back over your life, you can see God's hand at work. He has protected you spiritually as well as physically and emotionally. Be grateful that you grew up with Christian influences. You both know how others in school have taken the low road and sinned greatly against the Lord. Satan want you to do the same. Take what you have been given and grow closer to the Lord. Learn and live his word and you will be able to withstand any oppression coming your way. "Trust and obey for there is no better way!"


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Psalm 128:1

January 20, 2016

Psalm 128:1... Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him...

Walking in obedience to the Lord is what Christians do. It is a sign of a true Christian. It is there deep desire of their heart. Not that they never do wrong but they are never satisfied nor make excuses for doing wrong. They want to be pleasing to the Lord, serving him in spirit and in truth. And it is worth it. They feel the smile of the Lord on the life. They sense it in their being. The Lord blesses their lives and it brings them joy. Obedience is the way of a Christian.

A & K, obey the commands of the Lord. It's what Christians do. It's what you do, if you are commited to the Lord. Daughters,  I know each of you accepted Christ as your savior. It means little if you don't take him as your Lord. Allow his way to be your ways. He will bless you and you will have joy in your life knowing you please the God of all creation. You are his... show him. He and I will be so pleased.


Psalm 127:1

January 19, 2016, written 01-20-16

Psalm 127:1... Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders build in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain...

This is huge... we talked before about the need to recognize that God is the one you sustains and that all our efforts will come to nothing if we go in our own strength. That truth we pulled out of the scriptures, but here it says it plainly; if you try on your own, someday it will come to nothing. You may think that you see the wicked advancing and making headway but David said, "and then I remembered their end."

K and A, in this time in America the left relies on "inner wisdom" and the right relies on inner strength." Both are fools. Your wisdom and strength comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Never forget this! Trust him to enable you to do all he wants you to do. He strengthens the feeble minded the Bible says, (Grandpa likes that one) I'm sure he can strengthen you too!


Psalm 126:6

January 18, 2016, written 01-20-16

Psalm 126:6... He who goes out weeping carrying out seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him...

Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,
Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve;
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

Here is the song that uses this verse as its back drop for encouraging Christians to go out and win souls for the Master. If you are wonder where the first part of the verse is it is in the last verse, verse 3:

Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master,
Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves;
When our weeping’s over, He will bid us welcome,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

Daughters, you need to be concerned about the lost around you. First concern is yourself, then your fiance for K and potential interests for A. Then your family, and then others. This will always overlap but will never exclude yourself and family. If you cannot imagine being a witness for Christ you either do not love Jesus, "Those who love me obey my commands" "Go out and make disciples", or you do not know what it means to be a witness for him. We won't all be Uncle J's. We may just be your mother types, who grow into wonderful witnesses. When you get the privilege to lead someone to Christ, you will understand the joy that is spoken about in this verse. The only thing better is the filling of the Spirit in your heart and soul.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 125:3

January 17, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 125:3... The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil...

Being under the control of the wicked has dire affects on the lives of the righteous. One of the saddest things is the destruction of what is right. When the wicked rule, the righteous go into hiding, says Proverbs. But over time, we come out of hiding and begin to be affected by the wickedness around us until we ourselves are doing evil. This is America, today! the wicked have ruled and put aside righteous acts. Today's government has allowed pornography to reign, Reagan had a commission to curb pornography. Gambling is rampant; PA passed its gambling law in the middle of the night as part of a budget deal. Homosexual rights surpass heterosexual rights thanks to our presidents embrace of the issue. But worse this has brought evil within the church, dancing is common, drinking is standard, premarital sex and adultery and remarriage is seen in every family. Leaders of the church are left in power when the do sinful acts. Society and hence the church has redefined right and wrong.

K and A, you are growing up in a time where wrongs have been declared right. The church has taken sins and made them acceptable. K you have been given the new way to walk and with the worldly practices of my generation they have become acceptable to you and those you grew up with. When I grew up the schools taught against such practices but today the most churches embrace them. Daughters, the only way for you to stand in this world, even in the church world, is to stand on what God's word says. Read it for yourself. It will speak for itself. If you want to live the worlds way you won't see the truth of in the Word. Want what is right, and God will show you. DOn't be caught, girls. Live the truth.


Psalm 124:6

January 16, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 124:6... Praise be to the Lord, who has not let us be torn apart by their teeth...

The last psalm expressed how we must turn to the lord for our help, it is where our help comes from. He is the one who makes life possible. We can get through life, the tough times and the easy times, faithfully if we trust in the God who created us and sustains us. What makes this psalm different is the desire for the writer to have you praise the one who makes it possible. It is not just good enough to know where our help is coming from and use his help and forget him. No, we must thank him and tell others how he has helped us.

A and K, be thankful to those that help you in life. It is right and courteous to say thank you. Polite people say thanks you and please. The Bible also tells us to give credit to those to whom it is due... But many times we forget to do it to God. Praise songs are good but when you pray to God do you tell him thank you? When you have a chance to give a testimony, do you stand and tell everyone how God has helped you? Oh I can hear the excuses you might have... It doesn't say that all the outgoing, extroverted people only are to give praise to God. It says you. So, gather up the courage and give God the glory he deserves. It ends up lifting and filling your soul. That's a blessing you do not want to miss.


Psalm 123:3

January 15, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 123:3... Have mercy on us, have mercy on us, for we have endured much contempt...

This psalm exhorts us, through example, to look to God for our salvation. It is like Psalm 121 in recognizing from where our strength comes. Here, the verse is talking emotional and physically, but it is true spiritually as well. At work we can have much contempt thrown our way and the spiritual attack can take us down and cause us to reject God's ways. This is one of Satan's purposes for the attack. There is another purpose. Satan uses the spiritual attack bring us down emotionally which then affects us physically. If we do not find our strength in God Satan's attacks will tear at us and bring us low. we must lift our eyes to throne in heaven where God is seated (vs 1), until we find mercy (vs 2)!

K, have you ever been sad where life was taking you. A, has the taunts of others ever pierced you. In my life both have been true. But I found relief in the Lord. He is the one who brings victory over the attacks of Satan who uses people around us to work at bringing us low or to reject the ways of the Lord. Ladies, stand strong and live for the Lord, knowing he will have mercy on to to endure any contempt.


Psalm 122:1

January 14, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 122:1, I rejoiced with those that said, "let us go to the house of the Lord."...

Going to church; there is no better place to be. When you are part of a bible believing, servant focused, Christ centered church where Father, the Son and the Holt Spirit are glorified it is a wonderful thing. Now, that was a mouthful, but if taken seriously and not just part of a slogan it is easy to understand why people would want to be in church. This is not a place of entertainment, nor is it a place to fill our bellies at wonderful fellowship meals. No, it is a place to fill our souls with the presence of God which causes us to rejoice in him. Then, as we leave we take him with us and live holy lives desiring to be separate from the world and one with him!

Daughters, what kind of church will you choose to attend when you have your own families? Will it be one that has a fine sounding preacher? Will you search for one with the latest contemporary "worship" music so, as one person told me, I go there because the really rock out!? Maybe the have good youth programs, they have a lot of youth at that church.? I pray tht you will seek a church that preaches the word, where you are encourage to be a Berean, checking out what they say fits the scriptures... the old testament in their case.

Soon you will choose for yourselves where to find spiritual guidance. If the church doesn't teach separation from the world, it is lacking one of the main tenants of Christianity. We can't chase after the world's latest desires and pleasures. This will be a very important and major decision in life. It has led many down a path of spiritual apathy where they join in the pleasures of the world and either cease to grow in God or fall away. I have seen this generationally... where the children no longer care about spiritual things, so sad. I pray that you won't take that path but will rejoice in the Lord for you found a sound church.


Psalm 121:2

January 13, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 121:2... My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth...

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." "you just need to pull yourself by your bootstraps." "You got to tough it out." "Don't be a wimp." "You gotta believe in yourself." "You can be anything you want to be." "I so proud of you." (Prov 16:18) These are just a few of the sayings we have heard to help motivate us. It is important to find inner strength and know that you can accomplish great things. But way too many forget where their true strength comes from. Most never are grateful to the one who makes it possible, God! This psalm is important to memorize and to meditate on. It will bring you hope in the times of despair; courage in the times of trial. You will recognize that with God you can do all things , as it says Philippians 4:13; He watches over us, He is my shade, He will keep you from harm, He, He, He. (not to be funny). It is God who makes all things possible, and we need to instill that truth in our minds.

A and K, how will you find strength to accomplish the tasks of life. When life is flowing smoothly, we all too often fail to see the hand of God at work. That is why I want you to know the truth of this psalm. Then, when times get tough you will know that God will get going for you, you will fit your feet into his boots for they know the way out of the mess you are in, you'll know that believing in him will bring success, and although you may be a wimp, you serve someone who is greater than all. Girls, know that you serve a powerful God who is on your side and as you serve him and give him glory, or the credit, he will pull you through. Rely on him!


Monday, January 18, 2016

Psalm 120:1

January 12, 2016, written 01-18-16

Psalm, 120:1... I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me...

There are many reasons to call on the name of the Lord. When we are in need we should call on his name. The Scriptures says that when we call on his name, he will be there for us; he will answer us. Our hurts and misunderstanding and troubles... our burdens, must be taken to Jesus. He is able to lift our load and allow us to walk through the difficult times in our lives.

Many try to take on life and feel that they are considered weak if they cannot handle difficult situations on their own. God did not create us self-sufficient. We are too weak to live life on our own. That is why so many turn to drugs, alcohol, fashion etc... Jesus is the only one who can supply what we need.

K and A, We need to live in a close relationship with Jesus all the time. Yet when the burdens of life come, and they will come (I once thought I wouldn't see it), take your troubles to him. He will lighten your load and make it possible to walk through any time. It may be hard to see at the time, but he is doing a work in your life and you will need to trust him. Some when distressed... call on him. Oh, I am here for you too...


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Psalm 119:174, Taw

January 11:2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:174, Taw... I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands...

It is important to have the word of God in our hearts. His word is not just wonderful and great. It is not just true and honorable and we leave it there. No, his word is something to be grasped not just lauded. We must learn it and live it. It is easy to fail God law. In fact, we cannot live out his law without aid from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is the only reason we can live it.

Daughters, don't just appreciate that God has a law and that it is good. Know his precepts and rely on the Holy Spirit to live out his ways. When you know his word and instill it in your minds, it will sustain you. If you are tempted to sin or leave the way of the Lord, your faithful instilling of God's laws into your life will prick your heart and draw you back to God and his way. You cannot hear the Spirit speak if you do not know his laws. To love the Lord is to learn his decrees and live his law. So, meditate on his word and understand his will to live faithfully for him.


Psalm 119:162, Sin & Shin

January 10, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:162, Sin & Shin... I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil...

The promise of God are true. Psalms 19:7 says it this way...The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple... God's promises are a treasure worth attaining. The major promise spoken of in the NT is the Kingdom of God. To attain it Jesus said it was worth everything we have. He said it is like a treasure in a field, like a pearl of great price. In his parable the people sold all they had to get it.

Ladies, many search the internet or the stores for the latest fashion, Others want the latest tool or the firearm. Some want the latest hairstyle or fancy jewelry. These pale in comparison to what God's word contains: the promises of God! K and A, if you go after the worlds promises for contentment you will end up short. But if you choose to spend your efforts and money to get the promises of the Lord found in his word, you will find purpose and satisfactions. Spend all you have to gain what God has for you.


Psalm 119:160, Resh

January 09, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:160, Resh... All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal...

What can be said that has not been said about the Word of God? But, let's say it again; God's words are true and right, they are forever! Live by them.

A and K, it's true. You can count on God. His laws are trustworthy, and they will not let you down. Live them and find purpose and peace in life.


Psalm 119:145, Qoph

January 08, 2015, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:145, Qoph... I call with all my heart; answer me, O Lord, and I will obey your decrees...

The widow hassled the unjust judge, in Jesus' parable, until he gave in and gave her justice. Jesus said pray and don't give up. David said he called with all his heart. He said he cried for help, his eyes staying open all might long. He pleaded with the Lord, desiring justice. But he did more...

We must be like David, not just in pleading with the Lord but in what else he did; obedience to his decrees. In this Psalm, each time David pleads with the Lord, he tells the Lord he will follow his decrees. David realized how important following God word is to having God come to his rescue.

K and A, don't expect God to deliver you from your trials if you are not willing to live out his principles. When you live out his rules and live his way. You will find that God is faithful when you are faithful to him. You can be assured he will keep his covenant with you if you keep his statues. Then when you plead your case before him, he will give you justice. Honor him today.


Psalm 119:138, Tsadhe

January 07, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:138, Tsadhe... The statues you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy...

The Lord is righteous which make all he does righteous. Therefore, the laws of the Lord are righteous. We can trust them live our lives by. Not only is the  Lord pleased when we live out his word but they just make sense to do. They have been thoroughly tested over time and can be counted on to help make decisions. When times are tough and trouble and distress come, we continue to live out his word, because they bring freedom and hope for what lays ahead.

A and K, trust the word of God. David said it was proved right. That was true generations after Adam, Abraham, and Moses, and it is still true today. You can trust them, follow them, and put your trust in them. They will not fail you. Use them to guide you, uphold you and give you hope. They can be trusted in good times and bad, when hurting and sad or rejoicing and glad. Ladies. live the word and find joy in life!


Psalm 119:136, Pe

January 06, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:136, Pe... Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed...

This section of Psalm 119 starts out by David expressing how he loves the statues of the Lord. He thinks they are wonderful. They give light to his eyes and understanding to his mind. He knows that anyone will benefit from them. He longs for the Lords commands for he knows that his word will kee sin from ruling his life.

David loves the ways of the Lord and is saddened by the unrighteousness of those around him who have no concern of his ways. Their disobedience causes tears to flow from his eyes for the laws of the Lord are not obeyed.

Girls, my desire for you is that you love the Lord and that you love is word as well. This does not mean that just appreciate him and what he says, but it is that you do what he says through his word. Obedience is better than sacrifice. There is a song that says We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. That is a good description of today's worldly church. They love to come into church  and praise the Lord, then they leave for the week and live like the world. i want you to praise the Lord by how you act. I want your choices to be in obedience with his word. Learn his word so you know how to live. If or when you choose not to, know that it cause the tears to flow from my eyes; streams of tears and heartache. What you do will affect me

A & K, I have shed tears from over ungodly actions of another child. It saddens my heart, but I realize that I cannot live their life nor yours.Your choices bring curses or blessings according to what you do. But always keep in mind that although I am not responsible for how you live, I do hurt and will shed tears when you disobey the laws of God. Better yet, keep in mind that I rejoice when you follow his ways and please the Father by how you live. This may bring tears but they are tears of joy! Now that.... makes me smile just thinking about it. May your life be pleasing to the Lord.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:125, Ayin

January 05, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:125, Ayin... I am you servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes...

David continues his love and appreciation for the laws of the Lord. He knows that they give life and he will do whatever it takes to find and understand them. He says that his eyes were failing because he looked and looked for God's righteous promises. He pleads for victory for over the wicked for they do not care for the ways of the Lord. He wants to understand God's statues, so he can follow and obey them.

K and A, how can you follow and obey what God desires if you do not understand what his laws are or what they mean. There is much in the scriptures that I do not understand. God expects yo to do the things you do understand and when you do he will reveal more to you. You must desire to know what his word means. Ask him to confirm what you read and what you have been told. Use other scriptures to verify what you believe it says. Allow the Spirit to reassure you and give you peace.. Then live it out in your life even when other Christians don't. God will strengthen you to do so. You are his servant!


Psalm 119:120, Samekh

January 04, 2016, written on 01-10-16

Psalm 119:120, Samekh... My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws...

"There is no fear in love". People love to quote this when they want to stress an unfounded "truth" that God will not reject those that once made a confession of faith to him. If there is anything that is needed today in the church it is to grasp the "fear of the Lord" It used to be said that what is need for that unruly child is to instill a "little fear of God" so they will behave.

In times past that may have been used improperly to control people. But we must never forget how true it really is. Jesus said we must not forget it. He said don't worry about Satan who can only kill the body, but be concerned about the one who can caste both body and soul into hell. God is the only judge who has that authority. The scripture also says that it is a horrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

Daughters, never be fooled. God is a righteous God, and he will pay back evil. And if he has to come down here it isn't going to be pretty. (for you A, the rest will have to ask me) So seek to please God and obey his statues then that love that never rejects will be realized.


Psalm 119:105, Nun

January 03, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:105, Nun... Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path...

This remind me of and of children's song by that name and a very large poster that was used in our church to sing it by with picture symbols that illustrated the message of the verse. I remember the hammer that "broke the rock in twain". what is a twain anyway?

There are good truths in that song and in this verse. God's word is truly a lamp to help guide our way through life. It illumines the way so we know how to walk. It keeps us from tripping so we need not fall.

K and A, you need to know the word so you can keep from tripping up in your walk with the Lord. Is it right to live with your boyfriend and to have sexual relations with him? It is wrong! If you know the God's word you will know that truth. Is is right to lie to get what you want or to keep from trouble? "all liars have there place in the lake of fire" I guess that answers that. Is it fine to hate those that hate you and to seek their demise" there are scriptures that address that and so many more aspects of life. Daughters, know God's word so you can see clearly how to live.


Psalm 119:101, Mem

January 02, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:101, Mem... I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your words...

What a terrific verse. I have done this for the majority of my life. It has kept me from many wrongs. Where I have failed to do this, I have slumped into tough times both spiritually and emotionally. This was a major teaching of our church and in the Wesleyans of the past, but today we quote one scripture in the Bible and poo poo the idea of it worthiness.

You may be asking yourself by now what I am referring to. Here it is in a nutshell: I will not do thing in my life that are not sinful because they lead to sin down the road. Kellie, I mentioned to you about a talk I had with a former student that claims Christ but lives as if he doesn't. He walks the path of the world and will end up perishing with it unless he changes paths. I explained it to him this way: there are two paths. The one that leads to heaven and the other to hell. All the things along the path that lead to hell are not bad or sinful. All the things that sinful people do are not sinful. We may walk on the worldly path and say we will never do the sinful things the world does but when Satan has conditioned us to accept those things we are so far down the path that we no longer see the evil in them and then participate in them. We then look back wondering how we ever got there. Other see us and ask the same thing. But we inched down the road and the right path became further away and we continued to walk toward the sinful ways we said we would never involve ourselves in.

Daughters, if you keep in step with the world in relation to it habit and pleasures like in music, entertainment, dance, dress, sexual things and the like, you will walk further and further from the path of righteousness and find yourself not obeying God's words and wonder what happened. Choose to walk the path that leads from sin and to God. There are no regrets along the path.


Psalm 119:92, Lamedh

January 01, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:92, Lamedh... If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my afflictions...

This is a very good verse to see why the righteous live and the unrighteous and afflicted die and why a believer fails to be faithful. If we as Christians are to remain faithful we must love the law of God. It has to be the focus of our lives. We say that the Bible is God's word. We say that by it we can know how to live and please God. But, all too often, we fail to keep it. This is because we do not truly believe it. There are consequences for failing to keeping God's law... death, spiritual death; a forever time of suffering in the lake of fire, but many of us choose to sin despite this fact. But would we if we really sensed the truth?

A and K, you two know the truth. Don't be fooled into the false teaching that God is a loving God and he will never let you go. He will. Many have been led astray, but you can read the word for yourself. It is true and God wants you to follow his word to you. When times get tough for you, you can remain faithful and not fall! Just delight in the truth of his word and you shall live!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Update

January 2016 Update

Well here it is, the 9th of January 2016 and I have yet to post a verse. This is bad, so tomorrow I shall try to catch up. That will be a lot of verses... Maybe for once they will be short.
