Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:120, Samekh

January 04, 2016, written on 01-10-16

Psalm 119:120, Samekh... My flesh trembles in fear of you; I stand in awe of your laws...

"There is no fear in love". People love to quote this when they want to stress an unfounded "truth" that God will not reject those that once made a confession of faith to him. If there is anything that is needed today in the church it is to grasp the "fear of the Lord" It used to be said that what is need for that unruly child is to instill a "little fear of God" so they will behave.

In times past that may have been used improperly to control people. But we must never forget how true it really is. Jesus said we must not forget it. He said don't worry about Satan who can only kill the body, but be concerned about the one who can caste both body and soul into hell. God is the only judge who has that authority. The scripture also says that it is a horrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

Daughters, never be fooled. God is a righteous God, and he will pay back evil. And if he has to come down here it isn't going to be pretty. (for you A, the rest will have to ask me) So seek to please God and obey his statues then that love that never rejects will be realized.


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