Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:125, Ayin

January 05, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:125, Ayin... I am you servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes...

David continues his love and appreciation for the laws of the Lord. He knows that they give life and he will do whatever it takes to find and understand them. He says that his eyes were failing because he looked and looked for God's righteous promises. He pleads for victory for over the wicked for they do not care for the ways of the Lord. He wants to understand God's statues, so he can follow and obey them.

K and A, how can you follow and obey what God desires if you do not understand what his laws are or what they mean. There is much in the scriptures that I do not understand. God expects yo to do the things you do understand and when you do he will reveal more to you. You must desire to know what his word means. Ask him to confirm what you read and what you have been told. Use other scriptures to verify what you believe it says. Allow the Spirit to reassure you and give you peace.. Then live it out in your life even when other Christians don't. God will strengthen you to do so. You are his servant!


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