Saturday, January 30, 2016

Psalm 138:6

January 30, 2016

Psalm 138:6... Though the Lord is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar...

Listed are the two opposites: proud and lowly. Also listed is how God approaches us act that way.What is it like to be proud? How is it different to be lowly? We must understand this if we are to keep from being proud.

Not that I did a lot of research on the subject, but let me list a couple differences.

A person who is proud will lift themselves above others when accepting praise for accomplishments. A lowly person will elevate those with whom they work and give the true honor to the Lord, 

Suppose a person has a child who does well, if they are proud they will want to tell everyone how great their child is. No one is wonders whose they are. It is easy to tell. If a lowly person's child succeeds they are grateful to God for their accomplishments. Others wonder whose child they belong to.

God is happy with the lowly in spirit. Even though he is far superior, he looks upon them with joy and works on their behalf. But the proud, he opposes them. He places obstacles in their path, so they stumble and fall, wanting them to recognize their condition and turn from their evil way.

A & K, I pray that you are not proud. As you know, pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Be grateful to God for what you have and who you are. He will sustain you and in the end he will raise you to be on high with him in paradise.


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