Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Psalm 127:1

January 19, 2016, written 01-20-16

Psalm 127:1... Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders build in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain...

This is huge... we talked before about the need to recognize that God is the one you sustains and that all our efforts will come to nothing if we go in our own strength. That truth we pulled out of the scriptures, but here it says it plainly; if you try on your own, someday it will come to nothing. You may think that you see the wicked advancing and making headway but David said, "and then I remembered their end."

K and A, in this time in America the left relies on "inner wisdom" and the right relies on inner strength." Both are fools. Your wisdom and strength comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Never forget this! Trust him to enable you to do all he wants you to do. He strengthens the feeble minded the Bible says, (Grandpa likes that one) I'm sure he can strengthen you too!


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