Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 122:1

January 14, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 122:1, I rejoiced with those that said, "let us go to the house of the Lord."...

Going to church; there is no better place to be. When you are part of a bible believing, servant focused, Christ centered church where Father, the Son and the Holt Spirit are glorified it is a wonderful thing. Now, that was a mouthful, but if taken seriously and not just part of a slogan it is easy to understand why people would want to be in church. This is not a place of entertainment, nor is it a place to fill our bellies at wonderful fellowship meals. No, it is a place to fill our souls with the presence of God which causes us to rejoice in him. Then, as we leave we take him with us and live holy lives desiring to be separate from the world and one with him!

Daughters, what kind of church will you choose to attend when you have your own families? Will it be one that has a fine sounding preacher? Will you search for one with the latest contemporary "worship" music so, as one person told me, I go there because the really rock out!? Maybe the have good youth programs, they have a lot of youth at that church.? I pray tht you will seek a church that preaches the word, where you are encourage to be a Berean, checking out what they say fits the scriptures... the old testament in their case.

Soon you will choose for yourselves where to find spiritual guidance. If the church doesn't teach separation from the world, it is lacking one of the main tenants of Christianity. We can't chase after the world's latest desires and pleasures. This will be a very important and major decision in life. It has led many down a path of spiritual apathy where they join in the pleasures of the world and either cease to grow in God or fall away. I have seen this generationally... where the children no longer care about spiritual things, so sad. I pray that you won't take that path but will rejoice in the Lord for you found a sound church.


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