Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:92, Lamedh

January 01, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:92, Lamedh... If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my afflictions...

This is a very good verse to see why the righteous live and the unrighteous and afflicted die and why a believer fails to be faithful. If we as Christians are to remain faithful we must love the law of God. It has to be the focus of our lives. We say that the Bible is God's word. We say that by it we can know how to live and please God. But, all too often, we fail to keep it. This is because we do not truly believe it. There are consequences for failing to keeping God's law... death, spiritual death; a forever time of suffering in the lake of fire, but many of us choose to sin despite this fact. But would we if we really sensed the truth?

A and K, you two know the truth. Don't be fooled into the false teaching that God is a loving God and he will never let you go. He will. Many have been led astray, but you can read the word for yourself. It is true and God wants you to follow his word to you. When times get tough for you, you can remain faithful and not fall! Just delight in the truth of his word and you shall live!


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