Monday, January 25, 2016

Psalm 132:4

January 24, 2016, written 01-25-16

Psalm 132:4... I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eye lids...

Why would anyone work to stay awake? Why would they keep themselves from doing what comes instinctively? Why fight against what nature? The most common answer is, you wouldn't. We can all think of reasons that we would do it a time or two, like we would fight to stay awake at times while driving. But, should we always need to fight against it? Maybe we should get plenty of rest before we drive or have ways to keep from being mesmerized by the drive.

David was intent in making a place for the Lord to reside. He prepared Jerusalem at the City of God, and made plan for the temple where God would live. He would have built the temple, but God would not allow it because he fought and shed blood in battle. He was a warrior.

How can we learn from this? We must do all we can to build a place in our hearts for God to reside. We must fight against all that comes naturally and prepare the way for the Lord. In fact that is what John the Baptist said for us to do. Paul talks about carnal Christians. I spoke of carnality in a previous post. Carnal refers to meat or flesh. These are things that come to us naturally. We must fight against what comes naturally, so we can make our hearts into the temple of God.

A and K, what things do you fight against so your heart can be built as a temple for the Lord. What normal, instinctive, or natural habits or ways do you fight against so you can be God's child. I heard a lady years ago in our church say she left because she liked to dance... the music just makes me move." She can't help it. You've seen it among people you know... people can't stop eating, drinking, doing drugs, swearing, getting mad when someone offends them... There are so many examples. Some I or you may be guilty of. Daughters, allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids until you rid yourself of the things that keep the Holy Spirit from taking up residence in you! For, when he comes in to live with you, what a special home you will have.


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