Sunday, January 17, 2016

Psalm 119:174, Taw

January 11:2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:174, Taw... I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands...

It is important to have the word of God in our hearts. His word is not just wonderful and great. It is not just true and honorable and we leave it there. No, his word is something to be grasped not just lauded. We must learn it and live it. It is easy to fail God law. In fact, we cannot live out his law without aid from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is the only reason we can live it.

Daughters, don't just appreciate that God has a law and that it is good. Know his precepts and rely on the Holy Spirit to live out his ways. When you know his word and instill it in your minds, it will sustain you. If you are tempted to sin or leave the way of the Lord, your faithful instilling of God's laws into your life will prick your heart and draw you back to God and his way. You cannot hear the Spirit speak if you do not know his laws. To love the Lord is to learn his decrees and live his law. So, meditate on his word and understand his will to live faithfully for him.


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