Monday, January 18, 2016

Psalm 120:1

January 12, 2016, written 01-18-16

Psalm, 120:1... I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me...

There are many reasons to call on the name of the Lord. When we are in need we should call on his name. The Scriptures says that when we call on his name, he will be there for us; he will answer us. Our hurts and misunderstanding and troubles... our burdens, must be taken to Jesus. He is able to lift our load and allow us to walk through the difficult times in our lives.

Many try to take on life and feel that they are considered weak if they cannot handle difficult situations on their own. God did not create us self-sufficient. We are too weak to live life on our own. That is why so many turn to drugs, alcohol, fashion etc... Jesus is the only one who can supply what we need.

K and A, We need to live in a close relationship with Jesus all the time. Yet when the burdens of life come, and they will come (I once thought I wouldn't see it), take your troubles to him. He will lighten your load and make it possible to walk through any time. It may be hard to see at the time, but he is doing a work in your life and you will need to trust him. Some when distressed... call on him. Oh, I am here for you too...


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