Friday, January 29, 2016

Psalm 137:6

January 29, 2016

Psalm 137:6... May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy...

Judah had been destroyed. Israel was no more. God had let captors overrun the land, for the leaders and the people had forgotten his ways. The laws of the Lord had been polluted and sin was rampant in the lives of God's people. Yet God had saved a remnant. A few were taken captive and hauled off to a distant land. No more was there a holy city where God resided. His presence was taken away. Where will the people find hope now?

When we are in a seemingly hopeless situation, where do we turn? When we have failed to honor God, where do we turn? We must turn back! We must look again to the one who is our "hope and stay". We may ask why should Jerusalem be our highest. We must remember what Jerusalem meant... it was the city where God dwelt, the home of God, the place we meet with God. We will not recover if we do not look back to seek God and desire to be where is resides. Our mouths will be parched and death will soon come. We must seek him as our highest joy.

Daughters, there may be a time in your life when God seems a long way off. You may not sense him in your heart. I pray that never happens, but if it does... turn back to him. Make him your highest joy once again. Leave those things that entangle your life and once again walk with Christ. He will return the joy you once had and bring peace into your heart, and he will make all things new.


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