Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:105, Nun

January 03, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:105, Nun... Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path...

This remind me of and of children's song by that name and a very large poster that was used in our church to sing it by with picture symbols that illustrated the message of the verse. I remember the hammer that "broke the rock in twain". what is a twain anyway?

There are good truths in that song and in this verse. God's word is truly a lamp to help guide our way through life. It illumines the way so we know how to walk. It keeps us from tripping so we need not fall.

K and A, you need to know the word so you can keep from tripping up in your walk with the Lord. Is it right to live with your boyfriend and to have sexual relations with him? It is wrong! If you know the God's word you will know that truth. Is is right to lie to get what you want or to keep from trouble? "all liars have there place in the lake of fire" I guess that answers that. Is it fine to hate those that hate you and to seek their demise" there are scriptures that address that and so many more aspects of life. Daughters, know God's word so you can see clearly how to live.


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