Sunday, January 17, 2016

Psalm 119:162, Sin & Shin

January 10, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:162, Sin & Shin... I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil...

The promise of God are true. Psalms 19:7 says it this way...The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple... God's promises are a treasure worth attaining. The major promise spoken of in the NT is the Kingdom of God. To attain it Jesus said it was worth everything we have. He said it is like a treasure in a field, like a pearl of great price. In his parable the people sold all they had to get it.

Ladies, many search the internet or the stores for the latest fashion, Others want the latest tool or the firearm. Some want the latest hairstyle or fancy jewelry. These pale in comparison to what God's word contains: the promises of God! K and A, if you go after the worlds promises for contentment you will end up short. But if you choose to spend your efforts and money to get the promises of the Lord found in his word, you will find purpose and satisfactions. Spend all you have to gain what God has for you.


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