Sunday, January 31, 2016

Psalm 139:24

January 31, 2016

Psalm 139:24... See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting...

O for this to be our prayer! It will bring to our lives such peace and wholeness. Desiring Christ as our all will develop in us a pure and contrite heart. We will be ever steadfast to him and his ways, walking pure before him. Psalm 139 is a favorite of many Christians. It talks about how God knows us inside and out, from before birth and to the end of time... "for you created my inmost being" (vs. 13). The beginning and the end of this psalm refer to us and our desire to have him clean up our lives, so we are walking in "the way everlasting." It is important that we understand how amazing and all-knowing God is. But, it is way more important, though, that this leads us to care about living a life pleasing to him. It should scare us that when we sin and don't care, that he knows it! "The soul that sins is the one that dies," and "they will be thrown outside where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." There is a horrible end to those that sin against him.

O daughters, what you do matters! You cannot sin and push your offense to the wayside and think God is a forgiving God, it makes no difference what I have, he still loves me. A and K, desire for God to know you and to find any offensive ways in your life, so you may walk in the way everlasting.

Today's contemporary Christian music deals mostly with one area: God is awesome and forgiving God who loves us despite our sin. What is missing is the desire for us to forsake the world and walk in his way. I pray for you, ladies, that God will search your souls and bring to you any offensive way in which you have lived and that you will forsake that worldly way and walk in the way that lasts forever.


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