Friday, January 29, 2016

Psalm 136:1

January 28, 2016, written 01-29-16

Psalm 136:1... Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever...

This psalm is quite repetitive. What is repeats is the phrase, his love endures forever. The psalm basically reviews the greatness of God's mighty works from creation through the conquering of Canaan by the people of Israel.

We cannot fail to understand this psalm. Its repetitive nature gets the point across. God is a great God! He loves and provides for his people. Thank him for all his mighty acts he performs for us.

K and A. You serve a mighty God. He loves you and provides for you. He is able to care for you and deliver you from all that comes against you. You are not in a battle for land and country, but the battles you face are no less important. Satan wants to attack you to tear you from the the way of the Lord. He uses many tactics to do so. He will use those we love. He will use the ways of the world and even the ways of the church. He also will use circumstances and trials. Daughters, stand strong! God is fighting for you. Determine to live out the Word of God and put to the side all things that hinder your walk with him, and the sin that so easily entangles (He.12:1). God wants to help you succeed in life;  in your walk with him. Trust him. Thank him, for he is good. His love endures forever!


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