Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 125:3

January 17, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 125:3... The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil...

Being under the control of the wicked has dire affects on the lives of the righteous. One of the saddest things is the destruction of what is right. When the wicked rule, the righteous go into hiding, says Proverbs. But over time, we come out of hiding and begin to be affected by the wickedness around us until we ourselves are doing evil. This is America, today! the wicked have ruled and put aside righteous acts. Today's government has allowed pornography to reign, Reagan had a commission to curb pornography. Gambling is rampant; PA passed its gambling law in the middle of the night as part of a budget deal. Homosexual rights surpass heterosexual rights thanks to our presidents embrace of the issue. But worse this has brought evil within the church, dancing is common, drinking is standard, premarital sex and adultery and remarriage is seen in every family. Leaders of the church are left in power when the do sinful acts. Society and hence the church has redefined right and wrong.

K and A, you are growing up in a time where wrongs have been declared right. The church has taken sins and made them acceptable. K you have been given the new way to walk and with the worldly practices of my generation they have become acceptable to you and those you grew up with. When I grew up the schools taught against such practices but today the most churches embrace them. Daughters, the only way for you to stand in this world, even in the church world, is to stand on what God's word says. Read it for yourself. It will speak for itself. If you want to live the worlds way you won't see the truth of in the Word. Want what is right, and God will show you. DOn't be caught, girls. Live the truth.


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