Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 121:2

January 13, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 121:2... My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth...

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." "you just need to pull yourself by your bootstraps." "You got to tough it out." "Don't be a wimp." "You gotta believe in yourself." "You can be anything you want to be." "I so proud of you." (Prov 16:18) These are just a few of the sayings we have heard to help motivate us. It is important to find inner strength and know that you can accomplish great things. But way too many forget where their true strength comes from. Most never are grateful to the one who makes it possible, God! This psalm is important to memorize and to meditate on. It will bring you hope in the times of despair; courage in the times of trial. You will recognize that with God you can do all things , as it says Philippians 4:13; He watches over us, He is my shade, He will keep you from harm, He, He, He. (not to be funny). It is God who makes all things possible, and we need to instill that truth in our minds.

A and K, how will you find strength to accomplish the tasks of life. When life is flowing smoothly, we all too often fail to see the hand of God at work. That is why I want you to know the truth of this psalm. Then, when times get tough you will know that God will get going for you, you will fit your feet into his boots for they know the way out of the mess you are in, you'll know that believing in him will bring success, and although you may be a wimp, you serve someone who is greater than all. Girls, know that you serve a powerful God who is on your side and as you serve him and give him glory, or the credit, he will pull you through. Rely on him!


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