Saturday, January 23, 2016

Psalm 131:1

January 23, 2016

Psalm 131:1... My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty...

Proverbs 16:18... I use this verse again. It is a favorite of mine. Solomon must have learned it from his father for this verse is like the today's psalm. The Lord doesn't approve of pride in the heart, because it steals glory from him. One of the greatest examples of pride is seen in the story of Nebuchadnezzar. He was a great king. We should remember the story of the large gold image of himself to which all were to bow. But God didn't respond immediately with that act of pride but when he said, look what I have made with all my mighty power and to my glory, God stuck him and made him eat grass like an animal until he gave the glory to the Lord.

A and K, I have fun with this verse because so many people say, I'm so proud of you, or you make me so proud. You may have heard it said the middle letter of pride is the same as the word sin. Consider your speech, but consider more your intent. You don't have to use the word proud to be so. We are called to be humble and grateful. When you accomplish something, say - I am so grateful God has done this in my life, or wow, you are such a blessing. Come up with something you can say to compliment the ones you love. Be truly thankful to God you provides all things good, then you will not be proud or haughty. Rather you will be filled with the joy of seeing and knowing the God who made it all possible.


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