Monday, January 25, 2016

Psalm 133:1

January 25, 2016

Psalm 133:1... How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!,,,

Unity is crucial for peace. This is so important for all areas of life, whether it is as husband and wife, mother and father (no they are not the same), brother and sister or between co-workers. When there is disunity problems arise and anger seems to develop as misunderstandings increase. Both parties must work toward the same goal. Although we are not all the same, unity does not come from diversity. It comes despite diversity if we have common goal or outlooks.

K and A, if you are to get along with your future spouse, you must be like one another. Not exactly of course but in heart and mind and, when married, in body. If not it wont be a "good and pleasant" marriage. When your mother and I got married, the main thing said was that spouses need to different. "If you two were alike you wouldn't need one of you." I thought that was so idiotic. Your mother and I have had so few arguments, because we are so much alike. This is not true in every area and some of those areas have caused issues. What I am saying is this: make sure in the areas of life that matter, you and your future husband agree on, Your faith - similar backgrounds and belief - Armenian, this has been huge in our lives!, Your likes - sports, outdoor person, music, Your everyday things - cold weather, fancy house, hobbies, Your volume - quite versus loud and boisterous. And others... When you have the same outlook on things in areas that matter, then the unity formed will keep you together when the tough time come.

Oh, and remember one thing Mother and I try to always do... "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." Make sure to "make up" with your husband before you retire for the night. If not, a wall of separation will begin to be built and you will lose any "onesness" you are to maintain. If you cannot do this before you are married, it is rare to accomplish it after you are married. Choose wisely my daughters. Please come to me anytime you want. I'll be happy to share with you.


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