Sunday, January 10, 2016

Psalm 119:101, Mem

January 02, 2016, written 01-10-16

Psalm 119:101, Mem... I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your words...

What a terrific verse. I have done this for the majority of my life. It has kept me from many wrongs. Where I have failed to do this, I have slumped into tough times both spiritually and emotionally. This was a major teaching of our church and in the Wesleyans of the past, but today we quote one scripture in the Bible and poo poo the idea of it worthiness.

You may be asking yourself by now what I am referring to. Here it is in a nutshell: I will not do thing in my life that are not sinful because they lead to sin down the road. Kellie, I mentioned to you about a talk I had with a former student that claims Christ but lives as if he doesn't. He walks the path of the world and will end up perishing with it unless he changes paths. I explained it to him this way: there are two paths. The one that leads to heaven and the other to hell. All the things along the path that lead to hell are not bad or sinful. All the things that sinful people do are not sinful. We may walk on the worldly path and say we will never do the sinful things the world does but when Satan has conditioned us to accept those things we are so far down the path that we no longer see the evil in them and then participate in them. We then look back wondering how we ever got there. Other see us and ask the same thing. But we inched down the road and the right path became further away and we continued to walk toward the sinful ways we said we would never involve ourselves in.

Daughters, if you keep in step with the world in relation to it habit and pleasures like in music, entertainment, dance, dress, sexual things and the like, you will walk further and further from the path of righteousness and find yourself not obeying God's words and wonder what happened. Choose to walk the path that leads from sin and to God. There are no regrets along the path.


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