Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 123:3

January 15, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 123:3... Have mercy on us, have mercy on us, for we have endured much contempt...

This psalm exhorts us, through example, to look to God for our salvation. It is like Psalm 121 in recognizing from where our strength comes. Here, the verse is talking emotional and physically, but it is true spiritually as well. At work we can have much contempt thrown our way and the spiritual attack can take us down and cause us to reject God's ways. This is one of Satan's purposes for the attack. There is another purpose. Satan uses the spiritual attack bring us down emotionally which then affects us physically. If we do not find our strength in God Satan's attacks will tear at us and bring us low. we must lift our eyes to throne in heaven where God is seated (vs 1), until we find mercy (vs 2)!

K, have you ever been sad where life was taking you. A, has the taunts of others ever pierced you. In my life both have been true. But I found relief in the Lord. He is the one who brings victory over the attacks of Satan who uses people around us to work at bringing us low or to reject the ways of the Lord. Ladies, stand strong and live for the Lord, knowing he will have mercy on to to endure any contempt.


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