Sunday, January 17, 2016

Psalm 119:145, Qoph

January 08, 2015, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:145, Qoph... I call with all my heart; answer me, O Lord, and I will obey your decrees...

The widow hassled the unjust judge, in Jesus' parable, until he gave in and gave her justice. Jesus said pray and don't give up. David said he called with all his heart. He said he cried for help, his eyes staying open all might long. He pleaded with the Lord, desiring justice. But he did more...

We must be like David, not just in pleading with the Lord but in what else he did; obedience to his decrees. In this Psalm, each time David pleads with the Lord, he tells the Lord he will follow his decrees. David realized how important following God word is to having God come to his rescue.

K and A, don't expect God to deliver you from your trials if you are not willing to live out his principles. When you live out his rules and live his way. You will find that God is faithful when you are faithful to him. You can be assured he will keep his covenant with you if you keep his statues. Then when you plead your case before him, he will give you justice. Honor him today.


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