Sunday, January 17, 2016

Psalm 119:136, Pe

January 06, 2016, written 01-17-16

Psalm 119:136, Pe... Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed...

This section of Psalm 119 starts out by David expressing how he loves the statues of the Lord. He thinks they are wonderful. They give light to his eyes and understanding to his mind. He knows that anyone will benefit from them. He longs for the Lords commands for he knows that his word will kee sin from ruling his life.

David loves the ways of the Lord and is saddened by the unrighteousness of those around him who have no concern of his ways. Their disobedience causes tears to flow from his eyes for the laws of the Lord are not obeyed.

Girls, my desire for you is that you love the Lord and that you love is word as well. This does not mean that just appreciate him and what he says, but it is that you do what he says through his word. Obedience is better than sacrifice. There is a song that says We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. That is a good description of today's worldly church. They love to come into church  and praise the Lord, then they leave for the week and live like the world. i want you to praise the Lord by how you act. I want your choices to be in obedience with his word. Learn his word so you know how to live. If or when you choose not to, know that it cause the tears to flow from my eyes; streams of tears and heartache. What you do will affect me

A & K, I have shed tears from over ungodly actions of another child. It saddens my heart, but I realize that I cannot live their life nor yours.Your choices bring curses or blessings according to what you do. But always keep in mind that although I am not responsible for how you live, I do hurt and will shed tears when you disobey the laws of God. Better yet, keep in mind that I rejoice when you follow his ways and please the Father by how you live. This may bring tears but they are tears of joy! Now that.... makes me smile just thinking about it. May your life be pleasing to the Lord.


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