Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psalm 124:6

January 16, 2016, written 01-19-16

Psalm 124:6... Praise be to the Lord, who has not let us be torn apart by their teeth...

The last psalm expressed how we must turn to the lord for our help, it is where our help comes from. He is the one who makes life possible. We can get through life, the tough times and the easy times, faithfully if we trust in the God who created us and sustains us. What makes this psalm different is the desire for the writer to have you praise the one who makes it possible. It is not just good enough to know where our help is coming from and use his help and forget him. No, we must thank him and tell others how he has helped us.

A and K, be thankful to those that help you in life. It is right and courteous to say thank you. Polite people say thanks you and please. The Bible also tells us to give credit to those to whom it is due... But many times we forget to do it to God. Praise songs are good but when you pray to God do you tell him thank you? When you have a chance to give a testimony, do you stand and tell everyone how God has helped you? Oh I can hear the excuses you might have... It doesn't say that all the outgoing, extroverted people only are to give praise to God. It says you. So, gather up the courage and give God the glory he deserves. It ends up lifting and filling your soul. That's a blessing you do not want to miss.


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