Friday, May 31, 2019

Self-righteous Cain: I'll Do It My Way, Jude 1:11, Genesis 3:7

Self-righteous Cain: I'll Do It My Way

Genesis 3:7 if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But, if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you, but you must master it.

In the story of Cain and Abel and their offerings to God, we do not know why God was not happy with Cain's offering. It may have been that God was more pleased with a fat portion offering over a crop based offering, or it just as easily could be that Abel brought an offering of his firstborn and Cain just brought some of his crop. But, this we know... There was a right way and a wrong way and Cain knew it. He chose not to do it God's way, but chose his way. When he saw Abel being blessed by God and as he felt the guilt of doing wrong, he became downcast and angry.

Often in the church there are those who say, why do we have to do it that way. Can't we worship and serve God anyway we want. As long as we worship him, what does it matter how we do it? There certainly is more than one way to honor God, there is more than one style of music or clothes, more than one order of service, more than one type of building... and on and on. But, we better heed the warning of Jude, he said that some people were, taking the way of Cain. That means that, they went away from what is right to do what they had learned was wrong. They chose their way over God's way; they chose the way of the world over the way of Christ.

K and A, it seems like today's popular churches have chosen to shake things up. Possible some of that is good. But, I am afraid that all too often they just do things to satisfy the cravings of a worldly nature. They take the things of this world and bring them into the church. They also do the same in their personal life. Just last night I walked by a radio that I knew was playing "christian" music, I tried to make sense of the words; you'd have never guessed it wasn't some pop song about love.

I certainly am not a judge of all that is right and wrong, I cannot and will not judge the hearts of men, but this is know... just because you do something in the name of the Lord, doesn't make it acceptable. You must seek to satisfy the world around you, to be acceptable to them. My Way was a popular song by Frank Sinatra, and it shows the problem we have in the church today, one which stretches the whole way back to Cain. Daughters, my prayer for you is the you will always sing and live out this theme... I Did It God's Way!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Examples of Self-righteous Spirituality, Jude 1:11

Examples of Self-righteous Spirituality

Jude 1:11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for the profit of Balaam's error; they have been destroyed in Korah's rebellion.

Here are three example that further show the problems Jude saw with some of the people who attended the churches in his day. These people were arrogant and felt entitled as believers. Many of them were leaders and taught others that sinning was no issue for the believer and that their spiritual acumen gave them special authority. They were not satisfied with the blessings God gave them and returned to the world to satisfy their desires for pleasure.

Jude gives us three Biblical examples of their self-righteous attitudes
  • Cain
  • Balaam
  • Korah
K and A, we will discuss the stories briefly in the next three posts and show how the problems that Jude saw still exist today. It is important to remember that the stories in the OT are pertinent for life today. Paul says that they were written as examples for you! Think about these three examples, do you know the stories; how do they show self-righteous spiritual attitudes condemned by Jude? Until then.


Song:  Until Then not particularly connected to today's post, just the last sentence reminded me of it... "carry on" daughters!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hot Air, Jude 1:10

Hot Air

Jude 1:10 Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals - these are the very things that destroy them.

Why is it that those who cause a lot of problems seem like know-it-alls. They have answers for everything, can tell you why everything is in turmoil, yet they never have peaceable solutions. It always has to be there way or it won't work.

Solomon said, "when words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." (This is the original NIV, the current one is soo poor) We would be wise to heed this proverb when we consider how to approach delicate situation, especially spiritual ones. Often people e rant and rave about issues, and in the midst of their "arguments" we realize they know little of what they speak of! They are just full of hot air.

K and A, I want you to be able to respectfully argue the Scriptures. You need to understand them, stand on their truths and principles, and defend them when other try to minimize their importance, but do so wisely. If you don't know what you are talking about, keep your mouth shut until you do. Be willing to say, I'm not sure, and I don't know. Then, go study the Word and find out. Then, defend the truth. Most people aren't willing to read it for themselves. They just like to regurgitate what someone else has said that fits what they want to believe or an agenda that fits their lifestyle. It is not what you think that matters. It is what the Bible says that counts!


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Spiritual Arrogance, Jude 1:9

Spiritual Arrogance

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

The title can be misleading... I am not referring to those who use there spiritual standing to lord it over those weaker Christians. This is related, but I am referring specifically to those who think their spiritual acumen gives them special power to command nature and spiritual powers to obey them. Case in point... casting out demons, telling Satan what to do, commanding sickness to leave.

Samson had this problem. God had given him special power. The sign of his power was in not dinking wine, and in his long hair, but only the sign of his power. In his pride, he began to believe the power was his, not the Lord's, so when he gave away his secret, he rose and as the Scriptures teach, said I will go out as before and be free. What he didn't realize was that the Lord had left him. He found out that he power was not his but the Lord's!

K and A, never be so arrogant to believe you can just get up and succeed. Pray to the Lord for success. Remember that the battle is the Lord's. You live and die by the grace of God. And, he is not only the sustainer of life, but he is the power behind your spiritual health as well. In arrogance, some people believe they can fight off temptation on their own, but your battles are against the spiritual powers of evil. Your strength is in Christ, so be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power!


Note: once many years ago, your mother and I were at a meeting at a church in Roseglen near Duncannon, PA (sadly the church is now closed). They had special meeting and the head of the group singing began to sing a song with lyrics something like if the Satan tries to tempt me I'll just stomp him under my foot. And they would stomp their foot. Again and again, they sang it. It irked me then and I never forgot that arrogant attitude. I have no power over Satan except through the power of God. I must resist, but I stand in his might!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Traits of Godlessness, Jude 1:8-10

Traits of Godlessness

Jude 1:8 In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority, and slander celestial beings."

Jude mentions three characteristics of godlessness; polluting our bodies with sexual sins, rejection of authority, and slandering celestial beings. The first two were discussed in the as we reviewed Jude's examples of spiritual entitlement. These people think they are holy, therefor they can live as they desire. I live in the robes of Christ's righteousness. Really, they are committing willful sin and covering it in the cloak of religious speak. They intend to please no one but themselves. Their sins are a fulfillment of evil desires and they use scripture to ease their consciences and excuse their sin.

Sexual sin is wrong and will be punished, unless one repents. If we reject authority by willfully refusing to follow the rules and commands set for us, we break the law of God and will be held accountable. The phrase It's better to do it and ask forgiveness later, than to find out if it is wrong beforehand, is bordering on deceitfulness. The phrase everything is legal until you get caught is just plain evil!

The last trait we will discuss next time. Suffice it to say, that we don't hear of slandering celestial beings near as often as we hear of the first two. But I'll explain how I have heard it done in the church in relation to spiritual arrogance.

K and A, you must keep yourself from godlessness. Unrighteousness is not compatable for a person who says they are a Christian. You cannot be evil and good. You cannot serve two masters. Sin will always destroy your relationship with Christ. Do not let false teachers trick you into thinking you are stuck, you can't help but sin everyday. Live above the desires of the world around you. Seek the things that are above and set your mind on things please your heavenly Father.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Spiritual Entitlement III, Jude 1:7

Spiritual Entitlement III

Jude 1:7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gormorah, and all the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

Remember that is relating these three examples to those godless men who have slipped in among the church and teach that the grace of God excludes a Christian from the penalty of sinning... grace is a license for immorality. This verse refers to the time when the men of Sodom would do the most heinous acts to fulfill their most depraved sexual desires. It had become so perverted and deviant, that God destroyed them with an unquenchable fire. They became an example of what will happen to those who are not only are debase but those who are arrogant enough to think that perverting God's way with corrupted lustful desires makes no difference if you have been once "saved". Eternal torment is their end, the Lord says.

K and A. know that you must be a follower of Christ, not just a believer. You must walk in the footsteps of Christ and carry your cross as he did. The decision to be saved is a daily working out of your salvation. Your "success" as a Christian is measured by how you void your being, (mind, soul, and body) of self and put on Christ. Never become arrogant in your position and think that you cannot fall away. Be careful lest you fall, for the power of the evil one is real and he looks to devour you. My prayer is that you overcome each day by the blood of the Lamb - Jesus, and by the word of your testimony.


Friday, May 24, 2019

Spiritual Entitlement II, Jude 1:6

Spiritual Entitlement II

Jude 1:6 And the angels who did not keep their position of authority but abandoned their own home - these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgement on that great Day.

Not that I have a great amount to say about angels, because I do not know much about them. It is believed that they are part of God's creation. It is believed that at some point Satan and other angels rebelled against the Lord, and God threw him out of heaven and to the earth along with many of the angels who rebelled. (check Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-19) There is no concrete evidence of the exact origin of Satan and his angels, but this verse refers to some of them.

We know some angels, who were God's servants created to do his bidding, rebelled and were put into chains to be held until Judgement Day. On that day the Devil and his angels   will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all those who have rejected Jesus.

If God did not spare his angels, who rebelled against him, what makes us think he will spare us for believing we are above condemnation? Eternal torment is saved for the arrogant among others. If we think we are entitled to heaven because we have said some prayer or go to a certain church or been baptized or taken communion... we have been fooled. The Deceiver has tricked us, and we are headed for eternal punishment along with all of his followers.

K and A, take note: salvation is not a one time act. It is a lifestyle of those being saved. You must continue to believe and continually yield your body and desires to the Lord in his service. It is an everyday walk, not a once a week, raise your hand, sway your body worship experience. Do not abandon you heavenly home for the pleasures of this world, but renew your heart and mind each day and the Great Day of the Lord will be a joyous one!


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spiritual Entitlement I, Jude 1:5

Spiritual Entitlement I

Jude 1:5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.

God's children must not become arrogant. I don't mean that in the sense of having spiritual superiority, a better than you attitude, although that is wrong as well. I mean it in the sense that you are a proud and blind. In the midst of arrogance, entitlement sets in.

This happened to the people of Israel as well. Despite being God's people, they refused to listen to him. When God delivered them out of Egypt and things got a little rough, they had relied on him for their every need, yet they wanted to head back into slavery. They didn't say they want to go back to their slave masters, certainly they wanted their freedom. But, their sense of entitlement had blinded them to the shackles of the past, and they remembered only the good things... we didn't have to eat manna everyday, there, we had fish and melons. God destroyed all but two of them as the wandered in the desert for 40 years. After that generation died off, he lead them into the Promised Land.

Their narcissism returs. Believing they are God's people and therefor making it not possible for them to be destroyed, they steeped themselves in sin and were taken into captivity to Babylon. Although that straightened them out for quite sometime... you can see the entitlement mindset pop its ugly head back up in Jesus' time when he tells them, that if they obey his teachings, they will be set free. They replied that they were Abraham's descendants, they were never slaves to anyone. Their sins and arrogance had blinded them. They knew they were entitled. They were Jews, God's children.

K and A, in the long run, it matters not whether you grew up in church, have a holiness background, or whether you are a Brubaker for that matter. each of them has its advantages, but they can't keep you in the love of God. Beyond that, it matters not whether you once saved or even baptized or have taken communion... what matters is whether or not you are being obedient to Christ, keeping your life from sin. In this same passage, John 8, Jesus tells the Jews, you are really my disciple if you continue to obey my teachings, then you will be set free, for anyone who sin is a slave and not free. Following Christ by following his commands is what you are called to do. Do not ever become so arrogant in your faith that you think you can sin, and it will not affect your standing with the Lord. Sin separates, obedience joins you with Christ.


Song - a bit of a goofy one from Keith Green. Uncle John used to like him, back in the day...

  So You Want To Go Back To Egypt:   Althoug a little goofy and unrefined, and theologically he might not be exact, I chose this link because the lyrics are here and the live recording has his comments for the song. We must not look back and desire the "pleasures" of sin and forget the heartaches and captivity come along with them!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Examples Of Spiritual Entitlement, Jude 1:5-7

Examples Of Spiritual Entitlement

Jude 1:5a Though you already know all this, I want to remind you...

Over the next three day we will see three example of those who were once God's people, yet in their arrogance, he destroyed them because they had no shame as they rejected his commands. The first is The people of Israel as they came out of Egypt, then some of God's angels as they rejected him, and finally Sodom and Gomorrah as they perverted all things sexually sacred.

We take a look at these as examples which Jude gives to us to show how we, being people of God who were delivered by Christ, cannot stand in arrogance thinking that since we were once saved, we can commit sin and not be held accountable.

K and A, these are dire warnings. I separate them into three posts to emphasize the importance of keeping yourself pure from sin. I pray that you never take sin lightly, but your heart is heavy when it abounds.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

So, Everybody Sins II, Jude 1:4

So, Everybody Sins II

Jude 1:4 For certain men, whose condemnation was written about long ago, have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

I need to make one more comment on this verse. Notice the end of the verse. These godless men, as they are called, deny Jesus. This is not the problem I see when I am around others. Many people who have foul mouths, tell raunchy stories, tease others in sexual ways, make light of sexual immorality..... claim to be Christians and do not deny Christ! But, how does unholy living and immorality go along with a changed life? I don't get it.

The issue, as I see it, is the desire to take Jesus as savior but not as Lord. That is referenced at the end of the verse. These godless men deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. Who is our sovereign? Who is to be our Lord? Jesus Christ is supposed to be! We are not to put anyone higher than Jesus. No one else's rules, standards, or desires are to replace his; not our boss's, not our friends', not ours, and not even the church's. We are to be subject only to God!

K and A, You cannot take Jesus as Savior and not as Lord. He is either Lord of your life or he is not yours at all. Below you will find a link to a message from Charles Stanley. He is a famous preacher over many years. He went through many hardships. Some of them were major spiritual struggles, yet he knew that he must remain true to the Word in his life. That is true for you as well. Be careful not to turn from the truth of the Word to ease your conscience when sin comes knocking at your heart and mind. Make it your desire to please and honor God in every circumstance, in every part of your life. You cannot just claim salvation without living for Jesus throughout your life. Let your life show what you say you believe!


The Way of Salvation, In Touch Ministries

  Living For Jesus If you sit quietly and listen to the Spirit, this will move your soul! (I prefer a slower more measured version.)

Monday, May 20, 2019

So, Everybody Sins, Jude 1:4

So, Everybody Sins

Jude 1:4 For certain men, whose condemnation was written about long ago, have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

So what if I sin? Everybody sins in thought and word and deed everyday. One sin is no worse than the other. Jude warned his readers that godless men would sneak in among them and say God's grace covers every sin they commit. Sadly, today, it is preached from pulpits and on radio and TV each and every day!

There are a couple issues with this teaching that must be addressed:
  •  First, all sin is not the same. The Bible speaks of sins that lead to death and those that do not. Beyond that, look at the penalties and sacrifices needed in the OT for sins. There were different ones for sins that you purposely committed and those that you didn't even know you had done. Some sins required a quarter of a hin of oil others were so egregious they deserved death.
K and A, you each have friends who continue to sin and think nothing of it. When I was young, we talked about the Catholics, not caring about sinning because the could go to confession everything would be made right. But, you can hear it from any follower at any secular and many Christian colleges, I'm not perfect, just forgiven, everybody has their sin, God understands, Jesus is my righteousness so God doesn't see my sin.... and many more.

Daughters, be different. Don't you get fooled by this teaching. Live a pure and holy life, following the Word of God and the commands of Christ, Then, when people see you life they will be less apt to say, so, everybody sins, because they know you don't.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ruined By Apathy, Jude 1:3

Ruined By APathy

Jude 1:3 Dear friends, although I was eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints,

When someone entrusts something to your care, they hand over to you the responsibility of protecting that thing. If you are a babysitter, the parents entrust their children to you and you are to treat them as if they are your very own. It is a similar thing if you sit a pet or house sit. Teachers, security police, nurses, and home health aides are all example of those who are responsible for the care of others. Politicians, judges, teachers, and preachers are examples of those who care for ideals and beliefs.

In the church, each believer is charged with the responsibility to contend for the faith. We are not to sit idlily by while trouble makers come into the church to destroy the faith and her practices and doctrines. We must stand up for what is truth and defend her.

K and A, neither of you are the outgoing type, that type A person who strikes conversations with any and everyone on the street or in the marketplace. I remember Grandpa when he would go to a buffet style restaurant... often he would go up to get his food and not return. Turn around and he would be conversation with someone in a booth along the way. That's not either of you. But, God has still put the faith under your care. When it is being attacked by lies perpetuated by those who seek to destroy it, you must stand your ground. Do not think it is for another to do it. Speak out firmly against it, make a comment, shake your head, make an exit... do something so people know that you do not agree. If each sits idlily by, if each is apathetic saying it not my duty, the Gospel of Jesus will take a hit and possibly could die. Not everywhere, mind you, that will never happen, but it may in your place of work, your church, or in your home. Stand firm and protect the faith with all your being.


Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Three Tiered Blessing, Jude 1:2

A Three Tiered Blessing

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace, and Love be yours in abundance

John 1:16 states: From the fulness of his grace, we have received one blessing after another (old NIV). This is what it is like for the believer. God is not a stingy God. He is not closed-fisted, penny-pinching miser. No, God is a gracious, kind-hearted, Father who knows just what his children need. So great is his love, he enable all those that believe on him to be called his children, and that is what we are!

Look what Jude desires for us; mercy, peace and love. Look how they stand both separately and together. We need the mercy of God. We cannot exist without it, for we would surely die. Our sin deserves death, but God provides a way of escape. In a similar way that he did for Abraham, God provides for us, with Jesus. With our acceptance of Christ, peace floods our hearts. It is an indescribable peace that floods our soul and gives relief and protects our hearts and mind. That is love because God is love! He showed us his love by giving us Jesus, that we might have eternal life in him. This love enables us to love him and to love those around us, and love we must.

K and A, Jude wanted all his readers to have all these three gifts from God, this includes you. But, he not only wants you to have them, he wants you to bask in the fullness of them. Jesus said, I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full! These blessings are for you. The grace of God is yours for the taking, a triple blessing!


Friday, May 17, 2019

Kept By Jesus - Up To You, Jude 1:1b

Kept By Jesus - Up To You

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

This is a universal thought within most denominations, Yet most mainline ones do not think that those who believe you can lose your salvation would believe that. They are just legalistic, conservative fundamentalists who aren't real Christians anyway. As Anabaptists and brethrens, we believe both. Jesus is able to and will keep you in the love of God. I have heard many sermons in the past on this. A important holiness teaching. This verse and the one most used by eternal securityist, if that is a word, confirm that Jesus will not let any force come against our soul and steal it away. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ, not death, powers, angels, not death, nor anything in creation... nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus.

Where we differ is the fact that God will not hold us captive. If we want to remain his, he will keep us. If we want our own way, like Adam and Eve, and many others in scripture, he will allow us to go. In fact, as we go through the book of Jude, we will see that is the main point Jude was writing about.

K and A, if you find yourself caught in a sin, seek restoration. Never yield to the temptation that blames God for your sin. It was a choice you took. Sometimes in a Christians walk, God allows a trip up, a bump in the road, a veering from the narrow path to check your commitment (more for you than for him, I'd say). It is during that time you must remain true. But if you falter, trust him to restore you. My plea to you... never fall prey to the temptations that arise. Draw your lines far from the world. Do not allow them to suck you in. Then, Jesus will keep you through all trials and hardships and his love will never leave you empty.


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Loved By God, Jude 1:1b

Loved By God

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

What a great thought... You are loved by God. The creator of the universe loves you! Now, love has many forms and certainly not all of them applies to how God loves you, but love you he does. One of those ways in which he loves you is non-conditionally. Now there is a conditional love he has for those that follow his command, but I am not talking about that love this time.

We can only love, because he first loved us. In fact, Scripture is a picture of this true love. It shows that we are created in love, man was given woman for love, love was shown after the first sin when God came searching for Adam and Eve and spared their lives. Love provided a sacrifice for their redemption. Love kept the world from total destruction despite their evil. His love set up a nation to show his love to the world. In his love he sent his son into the world, so we could believe on him. His love for us allowed his son to be sin for us and his love allowed Christ to be payment for our sin. His love made new life possible even as we were still in our sin. His love has a promise for eternity for all that love him... Wow! That's unconditional love!

K and A, God has made love possible for you. You are to extend that same love to others, even when they do not deserve it. Be filled with the love he provides and use it to lift others up, so they may see his love for them.


Note: that second paragraph has many verses that could be referenced but then the whole section would be underlined with links... take the time to search them out.

  I Love Him

Who To, Jude 1:1b

Who To

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

It is important to know the context behind the text. Why is a particular passage written, to whom was it written, and what struggles or development issues were they going through? Knowing this helps us understand how the passage applies to our lives.

In the electrical code, the NEC, you can find rules that seem to contradict each other; you can only use this type of wire, you need to have this much clearance and so on... but it matters what conditions you are referring to. Often people utilize the wrong section for the situation they are in.

It is the same in church. Just because David did something, doesn't mean it was good. He may have been a man after God's own heart, but that was stated way before he was even king of Israel. Out of context, one could believe having an affair and committing adultery is what a person after God's own heart does and then use it to ease their conscience.

K and A, be careful not to misuse the Word. Just because David danced without many clothes on doesn't mean you should dance especially scantily dressed. Many passages of Scripture are historical and not meant to be followed by us. Take the story of the man who cut up his concubine and mailed her pieces to his neighboring countrymen. Take that, now everyone will understand my plight and how wronged I was.

Take care not to misuse the Scriptures. Check to see to whom it may have been written, why it was done so, and how or if it applies to your situation. Then, you can walk with confidence, being assured you are within God's will as you walk with Christ.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

God's Daughter, Jude 1:1a

God's Daughter

Jude 1:1a Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James

As was said yesterday, Jude was the brother of Jesus. Yes, he was a servant of Christ, but he was so much more, he was his brother. They had the same mother (Catholics do not believe that), grew up in the same family, and taught to grow up by their father (there is no record of what happened to Joseph after the time of the temple visit at age 12). We do know that Jude and his brothers at one point thought Jesus to be crazy and tried to control him. Yet in the end his brothers became leaders in the church. I presume that the brothers, like the 11 apostles, received some preferential treatment because of who they were, but lead they did. They took their position seriously and helped developed a burgeoning church.

K and A, you are something special. That may sound a little different than yesterday's message, but you are. You are to your mother and I, K, you are to your husband, but more importantly you two are special to God. So much so, he has made you his daughters. Along with that come all the privileges of heaven. All his riches are yours. You are honored and respected, so use you position wisely. Carry yourselves as the special person you are. Live above the dregs of the world. And strive to live the higher standard expected of you. You will be among the world, but you don't have to be like them. You are there to raise them up that they may become a child of God like you!


  The Child Of A King

Monday, May 13, 2019

Just Another Servant, Jude 1:1a

Just Another Servant

Jude 1:1a Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James

It is believed and taught that Jude was Jesus' brother. We see here that Jude does not claim that he is related to him, but shows his relationship to Jesus' brother James. Other writers of the NT (Matthew, Luke, and Paul) spoke of their relationship. Jude did not flaunt his relationship to gain position or notoriety. He simply said, Jude: a servant of Jesus Christ.

K and A, don't ever use your position to lord it over others. Jesus was the servant and asks you to be a servant. I grew up a PK, preacher's kid. With that comes special leniencies from people in the church, yet Grandpa kept that to a minimum. Not enough prizes to go around, my children can do without. Time to line up for meals, you boys wait until everyone has gone through. Work to be done, get up on that belfry roof and scrape off the paint. Who knows the answer, my children keep quite. He was making sure we learned that our greater position meant greater responsibility. Certainly one of you has heard one or more of those phrases as you grew up. I pray that both of you will pass it on to your children whether they are PK's or not.

Daughters, keep in mind that you are no more special than anyone else. Your position as a Christian demands a life of servanthood. You are a child of the king, but with that comes great responsibilities. Serve well.


  I'm A Child Of The King  (The emphases is that you are one of God's Children - he is the great one)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Final Blessing, Titus 3:15

Final Blessing

Titus 3:14 Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the Lord. Grace be with you all.

Grace, a tricky word. In its simplicity, it means unmerited favor. But the word encompasses so much more, more than I know for sure. Some of its characteristics are love, patience, forgiveness, encouragement, lending hand... all of these attributes, and those not mentioned, are representatives of the character of God. And, grace be with you all... may God in all his fullness fill your life in order that you may be like him.

K and A, may you life be a life of grace to others. As God has been gracious to you... you be gracious to them. Be patient with them, forgive them, encourage them, lend them your hand, but above all, love them with the same love given you by God himself. I pray for God's grace in your life, and I pray you will be just as gracious to others.


  Grace Great Than Our Sin

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Final Words Of Exhortation, Titus 3:14

Final Words Of Exhortation

Titus 3:14 Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they might provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

Christians are not to be lazy, unproductive sloths. They are to work to provide for themselves and have money left over to share with those that are in need. Even Paul, as a travelling evangelist, worked as a tent maker. It is said that there is a protestant work ethic. I always thought that was the calling of every Christian. There is an old saying that goes like this... Idleness is the devil's workshop.
Many a young couple would have been saved from committing sin if they would have minded the old saying about idleness. TV and movies, social media, down time with friends, all can lead to impure thoughts and actions. Beyond that, idleness leads to laziness and unproductivity. Look how large our welfare system is. Too many think the deserve everything handed to them while they do nothing. Another result of laziness is poor self-esteem and depression. Psychiatrists are quite busy these days. Suicides are way too common and mass killing are increasing.

K and A, devote yourself to keeping busy. And remember that busyness isn't enough. It is being busy doing good that is beneficial.  Whenever you feel lethargic and wish life had a purpose... go do something good for others with your hands. Serving others is esteem building and honorable. It not only lifts you because you are busy doing something, but it is beneficial in helping others and which helps them in their time of need... and you filled with joy and purpose in return. And whatever you do, do it not for your own recognition but do it in the name of the Lord who sees what you do and will greatly reward you now and in eternity!


Friday, May 10, 2019

Final Preparations, Titus 3:12-13

Final Preparations

Titus 3:12 as soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, Because I have decided to winter there.

It is nearing the end of Paul's letter to Titus, and he gives him some final thoughts. Paul was sending someone to him and after they arrived, Titus was to head to where Paul was wintering for the season. Before he left, Paul wanted him to make sure all was in order, so the work of the Lord could continue... make sure they have everything they need.

K and A, there comes a time when you will pickup from where you are and go to where God is calling you next. You need to leave with everything in order. The easiest way to do so is to keep things in order as you go along, then there isn't so much to do when the time comes. Often, that time arrives in a quick manner, it sneaks up on you before you know it, and the time is now.

It is not right to just pick up and leave, letting all the loose ends for someone else to take care of. I have seen it at work and other places... that's their problem, I'm outta here. If you leave an apartment - clean it up better than when you found it. If you have responsibilities at church like teaching - clean up your area, take your junk with you. Help the next person get started, say your goodbyes, even do something special for your students or even your leadership... Make the final preparations and leave on a positive note, never burn bridges even if you must leave on a bad note. As a Christian you have a responsibility to care about the ones left behind. Make the transition a smooth one.


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Your Sin Condemns You, Titus 3:11

Your Sin Condemns You

Titus 3:11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Too often today Christians minimize the severity of sin. It is taught that all sins are the same and everyone sins, so don't look down on others who sin, in fact don't be too hard on yourself. That teaching is so detrimental to the victorious life of a believer. Sadly, I believe many people think they are Christians because they have "put their faith in Christ" but what they have really done was to find a way to ease and even negate their guilt. I certainly am not their Judge and will let their destiny up to the Lord.

It is our sin that condemns us. It is our faith in the Lord and, subsequently, his grace that delivers us from sin and worldly passions. Jesus said, your faith has made you well, and to another he said, your faith has saved you. You see, the soul that sins will die for their sin, but the one who puts their faith in Christ lives victoriously over sin.

K and A, don't let anyone deceive you, you reap what you sow. Sin develops into death, but true faith yields eternal life. You must not just say you are a Christian, it is not proven by saying a prayer or being baptized, you must live it out. Your words must be backed up by what you do, then your heart will be confident in the Lord.


  Victory In Jesus

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Enough Is Enough, Titus 3:10

Enough Is Enough

Titus 3:10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.

As a Christian, it seems like hypocritical to say that you are going to cut someone off from your life, eliminate them from circle of friends, but that is what we must do at times. It is not done to spite the person or to "get back" at them; If that's the way they are going to be, I'm never speaking to them again kind of attitude. That would be wrong. Enough is enough means that we have tried and tried to calm a situation yet the antagonist continues to cause trouble. Notice that we are not to just cut them off. Instead, we are to purposely ask the person to stop causing conflict. And if they continue, we must make it clear again that they have crossed the line and must stop. If they fail to listen, the next time we refuse to interact with them.

As un-Christian as this may sound, it is not an uncommon theme in the scriptures. In the old Testament certain people were to be cut off from the society (Exodus 12:19). In the new testament certain actions were considered too divisive or destructive to allow them to continue to be part of the congregation. (1 Cor 5:11). In today's worldly churches, the terracing is that we should accept everyone and look past sin, for we are all sinners. That whole teaching is a twisting of scripture. But what is important here are two things,  one - there is a line that we must carefully draw and we must utilize God's design in protecting it. We must warn with love and we must provide a way for reconciliation.

K and A, with Facebook and other social media platforms, if we disagree with someone we block them. If you do this to a real friend on FB or in life, make sure you follow the Biblical example written in this verse. When someone never ceases to cause you trouble... warn them so they know where they stand and if after two time of warning they don't listen, then enough is enough... cut them off., but be willing to accept them back when they seek to make things right.


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Wasted Breath, Titus 3:9

Wasted Breath

Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies and geneologies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.

Why waste your breath. Although some discussions are more important than others, some are fruitless and divisive. All they do is create a wall of separation between believers. In Jewish law, only the Levites were spiritual leaders. God had set them aside as caretakes of the law to the people. But Christ changed all that. He tore open the curtain and now through Jesus each of us has access to God, the Holy of holies. Many other areas of church doctrine can separate people in the church as well, such as which denomination is correct, are we pre-trib or post-tribulation, can we perform greater miracles than Jesus, what clothes are modest and which aren't, should we be hooked to the grid, is man destroying the climate, on and on we go. Notice what Paul said, these are unprofitable and useless.

K and A, it is not that some of these issues are pointless. Many of them are crucial to your faith and the faith of others as well. What is being said here is that the arguments and quarrels are useless. When you find that a relationship is being destroyed because neither person will listen or budge from their belief... you be the person that yields their right to speak and choose friendship over dogma. At work I often just keep my mouth shut when I hear, well, we all sin everyday, it's about knowing Jesus forgave me, or I'm not perfect, I'm just forgiven, or I guess it was just their time to die, or all things happen for a reason. Yeah, like next time think before you choose to do heroin. Oh wait, there is no next time.

Sometimes, you must hold your tongue (please see the old NIV for this quote) , even when you are right, even when the point is crucial. Often you can do more damage than good if you try to press your point. Don't waste your breath.


Note: I am not referring to standing up for truth in leadership discussions. There are issue too important to pass over. Because my generation wanted to just all get along and love each other, the church has drastically changed. Things once preached as sins are now common in the church; sexual promiscuity and homosexuality, drinking and drugs, immodest clothing and dancing are just a few of them!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

It's For Every Believer, Titus 3:8

It's For Every Believer

Titus 3:8 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those that have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

Clean hands and a pure heart is not just for the super spiritual. Following the Christ's commands is not just for the mature Christian. If you love the Lord, you will keep his commands.  Each of us is expected to become holy and pure in our living. Being devoted to doing good, honoring God in what we say and do is profitable for each believer. Excellence comes from doing right and shunning evil in our lives.

K and A, this goes for you too. You must purpose in your life to live in such a way that you mature in your faith. Make an effort to flee all that is evil. Determine in your life that will avoid even the appearance of evil that no one will be able to discredit your character. This is not something that just happen. It takes an effort on your part. Seek to please the Lord to your full potential. Do not be satisfied for just called a Christian, holiness is for every believer!


Why The Reminders, Titus 3:8

Why The Reminders

Titus 3:8 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those that have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

Why the reminders? Why is it that Titus was to tell the Cretans to be obey their authorities, to be kind and considerate with humility toward all? Why was it necessary for them to be told again to be on guard for the pleasures and passion of this world? Why did they need to be told again?

Why? Because it is so easy to forget and fall back into the foolishness of the past. Paul said to stress those things, so those who are Christians might devote themselves to doing good!

You see, A and K, proper living is important. Your faith and love for others should grow and grow. How you treat them and how you serve others shows Christ to them. To be counted worthy for the kingdom, your walk must match your talk. You have to act like who you say you are. So remember those ten reminders, and let your life give an accurate picture of who Christ is.


Saturday, May 4, 2019

Reminder 10: The Wonder of It All, Titus 3:7

Reminder 10: The Wonder Of It All

Titus 3:7  so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

The title popped into my head as I read this verse today. I had planned yesterday to talk on the joyous culmination of our faith in Christ: the promise of eternal life, but as I read this verse today and thought about why we get to be with God forever, as I listened to the song with the same title, as I reviewed my own life,  I realized it is by the grace of a God who, though his kindness and love, reached out to me! He seeks me! He calls me! He washes me! He justifies me! He renews my spirit! He fills me with his Spirit! He will come and take me to be with him forever! Eternal life with our Lord! Wow! That should bless your soul! It was then that I chose to title it, The Wonder Of It All.

K and A, as I listened to the songs I have linked to below, my soul was blessed. Tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my face. The glory of God shivered through my body. Oh, I never want you to forget the need to work for the Lord, to be diligently busy about the Father's work, but all those are worthless acts if Jesus hasn't changed your life. It is all pointless if the Father didn't seek you out. Your are empty if the Spirit hasn't filled your soul. Sit back and bask in the wonder of it all, just to think that god loves you A, he loves you K!  It makes it a joy and honor to serve the Lord!


  The Wonder of it All
  Doug Oldham medley

Just a note on Doug Oldham... He is an interesting singer I remember from the PTL Club days. (Oddly enough, PLT Club and Doug Oldham had ties to the late Jerry Falwell.)  He always intrigued me, the way he sings. He talks as he sings. I never heard him sing a song straight through, he has to talk sing. Both of these songs brought tears to my eyes. Like every song that God uses, you must be in the right spirit to sense him moving. Find a quiet spot, meditate on the words above, then listen to the Lord speak to you. I pray it is as moving as it was to me. ~Dad

Friday, May 3, 2019

Reminder 9: Not Just A Little, Titus 3:6

Reminder 9: Not Just A Little

Titus 3:6 Whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior

Christ does not save us and then leaves us on our own. He promised that the Holy Spirit would come to us when he left to help us to remember what he had taught, and that the Holy Spirit would be here forever. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth and lived among his people and taught them how they should live, yet after he died and rose again, then went home. He was here on earth for a time and only with a few people. But, Jesus promised that when he left, the Father would send the Holy Spirit to be with us forever, and not only with a select few but with everyone who called on the name of Jesus as their savior. But there's more.....!

The Spirit was given to us to help us live how Christ showed us. And it must be told that The Spirit not only is here among us as Christians, but he lives in us, and not only that, he will fill us. If fact, we are to Be Filled With The Spirit!

K and A, the Father desires to fill you with his Spirit. He will live in you and walk with you and be your God. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. That truth demand a higher standard of living, but that is a side bar to the theme of today. Being his temple also suggests that he lives on you and not just a little of him. He came to fill all of you, forever. Fill your life with his presence and commune with him often.


  The Comforter Has Come

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reminder 8: Born Again, Titus 3:4-5

Reminder 8: Born Again

Titus 3:4-5 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

Last time, we were reminded that our salvation was not given to us because we were something special. No, it happened because of God's love. He saw we lacked the ability to pay the price for our sin, he had mercy on us and provided a way for us to begin anew. So, how are we saved? What is the way he provided? It is Jesus! He saved us through the cleansing of our soul from sin. He used his blood to make us pure, yes whiter than snow. Our spirits were born again and we find a new life through the power of his Holy Spirit!

K and A, you are born again, a new creature in Christ Jesus! He made the way possible. In fact, what was said about him is true; He is the Way the Truth and the Life. No one come to the Father except through Jesus. Never forget this basic, yet amazing truth. Pray that God would send people out to proclaim this truth. You share what he has done for you! Walk in the power of the Spirit, so that one day you will see him face to face, your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


Nothing But The Blood
Whiter Than Snow

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Reminder 7: Nothing Special, Titus 3:4-5

Reminder 7: Nothing Special

Titus 3:4-5 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

I struggled over the title of today's post. It is hard, in today's society to tell people they are not special. Even within the church setting, we like to make sure everyone feels special. Far be it for anyone to feel slighted, left out, or inferior. But, after much thought and consideration, I settled on the title: Nothing Special.

In my early years at school, I was somebody; near the top of my class, well liked, part of a group of three guys; Joel, Jan, and Jay. We ruled... Then, I moved from the Newville area to Perry County and became a nobody. I was put in a lower level class, had very few friends, was tormented by a teacher in a way I will not discuss, hated him for years until God required me to forgive him. Life took a major shift which, I am sure, still affects me today. But, it was good in ways as well.

One thing I learned is that I am nothing special. It is not because of who I am that makes me important. I am not a Christian because I came from a good Christian home, one that was conservative in belief and action, not because I use abilities that others choose not to... most people could do much more than know. No matter the "righteous" life I grew up in and the one I choose to live, that is not why I am a Christian... in no way was I owed the title, Christian. I am nothing special... No, I am a Christian because God loved me, because of his kindness and mercy, for without him I am nothing, no matter how good I appear to others.

K and A, you are not a gift to the world. Within seconds, your life can completely change. It could be your fault or caused by someone else... and you are left helpless. Yet, because there is a God in heaven that loves and cares for you, there is always hope! I think you two are special in many ways... but none of those way will ever save you. As Isaiah said, we cannot come to God on our own merit, our righteousness are like filthy rags. It is because of Christ and his sacrifice that you can be saved. He makes the way possible.
