Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Three Tiered Blessing, Jude 1:2

A Three Tiered Blessing

Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace, and Love be yours in abundance

John 1:16 states: From the fulness of his grace, we have received one blessing after another (old NIV). This is what it is like for the believer. God is not a stingy God. He is not closed-fisted, penny-pinching miser. No, God is a gracious, kind-hearted, Father who knows just what his children need. So great is his love, he enable all those that believe on him to be called his children, and that is what we are!

Look what Jude desires for us; mercy, peace and love. Look how they stand both separately and together. We need the mercy of God. We cannot exist without it, for we would surely die. Our sin deserves death, but God provides a way of escape. In a similar way that he did for Abraham, God provides for us, with Jesus. With our acceptance of Christ, peace floods our hearts. It is an indescribable peace that floods our soul and gives relief and protects our hearts and mind. That is love because God is love! He showed us his love by giving us Jesus, that we might have eternal life in him. This love enables us to love him and to love those around us, and love we must.

K and A, Jude wanted all his readers to have all these three gifts from God, this includes you. But, he not only wants you to have them, he wants you to bask in the fullness of them. Jesus said, I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full! These blessings are for you. The grace of God is yours for the taking, a triple blessing!


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