Saturday, May 11, 2019

Final Words Of Exhortation, Titus 3:14

Final Words Of Exhortation

Titus 3:14 Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they might provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

Christians are not to be lazy, unproductive sloths. They are to work to provide for themselves and have money left over to share with those that are in need. Even Paul, as a travelling evangelist, worked as a tent maker. It is said that there is a protestant work ethic. I always thought that was the calling of every Christian. There is an old saying that goes like this... Idleness is the devil's workshop.
Many a young couple would have been saved from committing sin if they would have minded the old saying about idleness. TV and movies, social media, down time with friends, all can lead to impure thoughts and actions. Beyond that, idleness leads to laziness and unproductivity. Look how large our welfare system is. Too many think the deserve everything handed to them while they do nothing. Another result of laziness is poor self-esteem and depression. Psychiatrists are quite busy these days. Suicides are way too common and mass killing are increasing.

K and A, devote yourself to keeping busy. And remember that busyness isn't enough. It is being busy doing good that is beneficial.  Whenever you feel lethargic and wish life had a purpose... go do something good for others with your hands. Serving others is esteem building and honorable. It not only lifts you because you are busy doing something, but it is beneficial in helping others and which helps them in their time of need... and you filled with joy and purpose in return. And whatever you do, do it not for your own recognition but do it in the name of the Lord who sees what you do and will greatly reward you now and in eternity!


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