Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Spiritual Arrogance, Jude 1:9

Spiritual Arrogance

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

The title can be misleading... I am not referring to those who use there spiritual standing to lord it over those weaker Christians. This is related, but I am referring specifically to those who think their spiritual acumen gives them special power to command nature and spiritual powers to obey them. Case in point... casting out demons, telling Satan what to do, commanding sickness to leave.

Samson had this problem. God had given him special power. The sign of his power was in not dinking wine, and in his long hair, but only the sign of his power. In his pride, he began to believe the power was his, not the Lord's, so when he gave away his secret, he rose and as the Scriptures teach, said I will go out as before and be free. What he didn't realize was that the Lord had left him. He found out that he power was not his but the Lord's!

K and A, never be so arrogant to believe you can just get up and succeed. Pray to the Lord for success. Remember that the battle is the Lord's. You live and die by the grace of God. And, he is not only the sustainer of life, but he is the power behind your spiritual health as well. In arrogance, some people believe they can fight off temptation on their own, but your battles are against the spiritual powers of evil. Your strength is in Christ, so be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power!


Note: once many years ago, your mother and I were at a meeting at a church in Roseglen near Duncannon, PA (sadly the church is now closed). They had special meeting and the head of the group singing began to sing a song with lyrics something like if the Satan tries to tempt me I'll just stomp him under my foot. And they would stomp their foot. Again and again, they sang it. It irked me then and I never forgot that arrogant attitude. I have no power over Satan except through the power of God. I must resist, but I stand in his might!

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