Thursday, May 16, 2019

Who To, Jude 1:1b

Who To

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

It is important to know the context behind the text. Why is a particular passage written, to whom was it written, and what struggles or development issues were they going through? Knowing this helps us understand how the passage applies to our lives.

In the electrical code, the NEC, you can find rules that seem to contradict each other; you can only use this type of wire, you need to have this much clearance and so on... but it matters what conditions you are referring to. Often people utilize the wrong section for the situation they are in.

It is the same in church. Just because David did something, doesn't mean it was good. He may have been a man after God's own heart, but that was stated way before he was even king of Israel. Out of context, one could believe having an affair and committing adultery is what a person after God's own heart does and then use it to ease their conscience.

K and A, be careful not to misuse the Word. Just because David danced without many clothes on doesn't mean you should dance especially scantily dressed. Many passages of Scripture are historical and not meant to be followed by us. Take the story of the man who cut up his concubine and mailed her pieces to his neighboring countrymen. Take that, now everyone will understand my plight and how wronged I was.

Take care not to misuse the Scriptures. Check to see to whom it may have been written, why it was done so, and how or if it applies to your situation. Then, you can walk with confidence, being assured you are within God's will as you walk with Christ.


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