Friday, May 10, 2019

Final Preparations, Titus 3:12-13

Final Preparations

Titus 3:12 as soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, Because I have decided to winter there.

It is nearing the end of Paul's letter to Titus, and he gives him some final thoughts. Paul was sending someone to him and after they arrived, Titus was to head to where Paul was wintering for the season. Before he left, Paul wanted him to make sure all was in order, so the work of the Lord could continue... make sure they have everything they need.

K and A, there comes a time when you will pickup from where you are and go to where God is calling you next. You need to leave with everything in order. The easiest way to do so is to keep things in order as you go along, then there isn't so much to do when the time comes. Often, that time arrives in a quick manner, it sneaks up on you before you know it, and the time is now.

It is not right to just pick up and leave, letting all the loose ends for someone else to take care of. I have seen it at work and other places... that's their problem, I'm outta here. If you leave an apartment - clean it up better than when you found it. If you have responsibilities at church like teaching - clean up your area, take your junk with you. Help the next person get started, say your goodbyes, even do something special for your students or even your leadership... Make the final preparations and leave on a positive note, never burn bridges even if you must leave on a bad note. As a Christian you have a responsibility to care about the ones left behind. Make the transition a smooth one.


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