Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ruined By Apathy, Jude 1:3

Ruined By APathy

Jude 1:3 Dear friends, although I was eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints,

When someone entrusts something to your care, they hand over to you the responsibility of protecting that thing. If you are a babysitter, the parents entrust their children to you and you are to treat them as if they are your very own. It is a similar thing if you sit a pet or house sit. Teachers, security police, nurses, and home health aides are all example of those who are responsible for the care of others. Politicians, judges, teachers, and preachers are examples of those who care for ideals and beliefs.

In the church, each believer is charged with the responsibility to contend for the faith. We are not to sit idlily by while trouble makers come into the church to destroy the faith and her practices and doctrines. We must stand up for what is truth and defend her.

K and A, neither of you are the outgoing type, that type A person who strikes conversations with any and everyone on the street or in the marketplace. I remember Grandpa when he would go to a buffet style restaurant... often he would go up to get his food and not return. Turn around and he would be conversation with someone in a booth along the way. That's not either of you. But, God has still put the faith under your care. When it is being attacked by lies perpetuated by those who seek to destroy it, you must stand your ground. Do not think it is for another to do it. Speak out firmly against it, make a comment, shake your head, make an exit... do something so people know that you do not agree. If each sits idlily by, if each is apathetic saying it not my duty, the Gospel of Jesus will take a hit and possibly could die. Not everywhere, mind you, that will never happen, but it may in your place of work, your church, or in your home. Stand firm and protect the faith with all your being.


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