Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hot Air, Jude 1:10

Hot Air

Jude 1:10 Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals - these are the very things that destroy them.

Why is it that those who cause a lot of problems seem like know-it-alls. They have answers for everything, can tell you why everything is in turmoil, yet they never have peaceable solutions. It always has to be there way or it won't work.

Solomon said, "when words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." (This is the original NIV, the current one is soo poor) We would be wise to heed this proverb when we consider how to approach delicate situation, especially spiritual ones. Often people e rant and rave about issues, and in the midst of their "arguments" we realize they know little of what they speak of! They are just full of hot air.

K and A, I want you to be able to respectfully argue the Scriptures. You need to understand them, stand on their truths and principles, and defend them when other try to minimize their importance, but do so wisely. If you don't know what you are talking about, keep your mouth shut until you do. Be willing to say, I'm not sure, and I don't know. Then, go study the Word and find out. Then, defend the truth. Most people aren't willing to read it for themselves. They just like to regurgitate what someone else has said that fits what they want to believe or an agenda that fits their lifestyle. It is not what you think that matters. It is what the Bible says that counts!


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