Friday, May 17, 2019

Kept By Jesus - Up To You, Jude 1:1b

Kept By Jesus - Up To You

Jude 1:1b To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ

This is a universal thought within most denominations, Yet most mainline ones do not think that those who believe you can lose your salvation would believe that. They are just legalistic, conservative fundamentalists who aren't real Christians anyway. As Anabaptists and brethrens, we believe both. Jesus is able to and will keep you in the love of God. I have heard many sermons in the past on this. A important holiness teaching. This verse and the one most used by eternal securityist, if that is a word, confirm that Jesus will not let any force come against our soul and steal it away. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ, not death, powers, angels, not death, nor anything in creation... nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus.

Where we differ is the fact that God will not hold us captive. If we want to remain his, he will keep us. If we want our own way, like Adam and Eve, and many others in scripture, he will allow us to go. In fact, as we go through the book of Jude, we will see that is the main point Jude was writing about.

K and A, if you find yourself caught in a sin, seek restoration. Never yield to the temptation that blames God for your sin. It was a choice you took. Sometimes in a Christians walk, God allows a trip up, a bump in the road, a veering from the narrow path to check your commitment (more for you than for him, I'd say). It is during that time you must remain true. But if you falter, trust him to restore you. My plea to you... never fall prey to the temptations that arise. Draw your lines far from the world. Do not allow them to suck you in. Then, Jesus will keep you through all trials and hardships and his love will never leave you empty.


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